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  • I feel like I totally wimped out bc I didn't ride the mcycle in today but I don't have the fortitude to deal w cold hands today. #35degF #

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  • geez, I'd hate to see my potential BMI if I DIDN'T eat all the choc! “@sciam: Frequent Chocolate Eaters Have Lower BMI http://t.co/JaEn6tMH” #
  • Delivering the rainbows! http://t.co/RTCS78aE #
  • Temporary cat has caught another mouse. 2 in 2 days! #mightyhunter #playswithfood #
  • I salute @mikegrundy: picker up of mice in towels, taker of them outside. #
  • LOVE American way of sitting. “@beatonna: dang this 1855 book on manners is harsh on good ol' American Way Of Sitting http://t.co/c9VaWiuJ” #

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  • It's OSHA physical time, everybody! Let's see how long I have to wait this time… The are already 15 min late. #
  • 35 min late in to the appt but then so fast. Am pretty sure they skipped the range of motion check (only ever had that once anyway.) #
  • I put off the gym for a lovely @mikegrundy prepared dinner before he headed off for fire drill – now he's gone and I'm stuffed on the couch! #
  • Oh please read this whole thing: on sexism in tech, but also racism, Trayvon, privileged classes, and objectification. http://t.co/RZIQApb5 #

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  • “@FriendsofCooper: Have an idea to save Cooper Union? Submit it to Friends of Cooper Union: http://t.co/wYrdwNYm via @FriendsofCooper” #
  • Drinking a cup of scalding hot tea after a horribly cold and windy ride home from work. Like: 35degF? And 30ish mpg gusts? Brrrr! #thawing #
  • .@slark it turns out that singing at the tip of your lungs in your helmet warms you up. # in reply to slark #

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  • “@randomdeanna: For those who think I rant about the patriarchy and misogyny too much.
    http://t.co/K93b3L9d” um, YES. All of this. #
  • Loving central PA – @mikegrundy and I hopped off of Rts 22/99/80 onto Rt 45 east today – beautiful country and only a tiny bit longer! #

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  • I rolled over the "I've ridden this motorcycle for 13,000 miles" tonight. Not bad for 28 months ownership (thru some northeast winters)! #
  • I'm having hilarious feelings re: waving to motorcyclists in this 75deg weather: where've y'all been? My arm's tired! Where is your shirt?! #
  • I love bluegrass. so does @mikegrundy: he says he loves it like he likes polka and punk rock. "it's about drinking, dancing, and romance!" #
  • “@superyates: Sleigh Bells live review: Uh wow holy shit, it's like NIN's Broken married the high school pep squad” YES! #
  • confession time: I am fairly certain that despite this warm weather it will snow on my birthday (4/15). Just like it did when I turned 9. #
  • My friend and classmate Sangamithra Iyer on Cooper Union: http://t.co/vbeS83U6 via @FriendsofCooper #

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  • hey @brdgtc, any chance you can work this hark a vagrant comic into your thesis? http://t.co/X5Zb6IBc #
  • today is beautiful. I transported cupcakes to work on my motorcycle for a bake sale. commuting via bike is besters! http://t.co/ZgMYuE6z #

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Bake sale on a motorcycle

We had a bake sale today to raise money for hungry kids and I rode in with a loaf if banana bread in my hat box and a dozen cupcakes strapped behind me:


The cupcakes had a little room to slide around in there, but only 2 were damaged and I marked them as “smashcakes” with a 75% discount. I mean, I say “only two” but that’s 16% damaged.  Not a great loss rate but I could reduce it with more careful packing of cupcakes into the box, for sure.

See, you can do ANYTHING on a motorcycle!

  • Quick motorcycle ride w @mikegrundy while the kids are w Grammy, then first chain clean and lube of the season. Y'all, I think it's spring! #

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  • Ok, maybe it WAS too cold to ride to work today. #brrr #

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  • Spring peepers all the way home today! Stay good, March: be kind to our amphibian friends. #
  • Today I worked super late and then came home to a water report for my village soundly in need of revision. #needparty http://t.co/sR5B6WB0 #

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  • Pro Tip: when dressing to motorcycle to work, make sure to check YOUR weather station, and not one 80 mi. south. Oh hai 32 degF not 45. brr. #
  • let's talk about DST. Can't we do 30 min shift instead of an hr? so we can have sunrise at 6:45 and sunset at 6:30? #timeisaconstructanyway #

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Anniversary Weekend


Mike and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this weekend. We have made a point to travel somewhere in NY for the last 2 years (first Niagara Falls and then Corning) and this year was no exception – we planned a trip to the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie.

But this year Mike is unemployed, and as we started to research B&Bs I got more and more stressed about the cost. Then my Friday was suddenly booked solid and I got even more stressed about driving for 4 hours on Friday night when I’m so sleepy and stressed already. So we decided to stay at home, shut off the computers, and make a point to go to an art museum nearby. Friday night we cleaned the bathrooms in preparation for a luxurious vacation at home.

[[To be totally honest, the trip to Niagara Falls involved a ridiculous work disaster for Mike that required him to pull a remote all-nighter that included several breaks in the fetal position while I sympathetically slept; and the Corning trip included a horrible upset stomach that resulted in poor Mike projectile vomiting several times in our first 24-hours away. So the “staycation,” while annoyingly named, had every chance to be the best weekend together yet. ]]

And it was really wonderful! We went to a maple festival in the Catskills and found a sugar maple grove being tapped. It was a long walk to get to the sugar shack and we were the last visitors. The tin pails are just for show – and the sound of the sap dripping into the buckets was surprisingly loud.


And we went to Dia Beacon and looked at art and enjoyed a few minutes rest in the sun on the side of a hill overlooking the Hudson. So lovely!


We managed to eat with gift certificates and even found some apple cider and doughnuts as an afternoon snack. This part of NY is so pretty, I’m glad we made a point to stay local and explore a little. Tuesday is our official #4, and I’m happy to report back that no fetal positions or vomiting were required in the making of this anniversary weekend.

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