Daily Archives: 6/27/2012

That time we made the boys wear ties


Originally uploaded by karinajean.

We got all dressed up for my cousin Sara’s wedding. It was the first time the boys met my whole paternal extended family and we looked pretty sharp, if I do say so. I asked my dad to snap this photo before we went in to the wedding for a minimum of rumple-ability.

now that we have such sets of dress clothes for the boys – purchased at some economic premium and at very last minute – I am brainstorming for ways we can dress up more over the summer. they will be tortured, but we will look SO GOOD.

So it occurs to me that if I'm so stressed out by not reading twitter that I don't tweet, I really need to reconsider the list of "follows@ # “@JessicaValenti: Wish stats on gender/domestic work accts for mental labor. It's … Continue reading