Daily Archives: 12/31/2007

on resolutions.

I tried so hard to make good, solid, achievable resolutions last year. I think I did, actually, but the problem lies in how I immediately forgot about said resolutions after making them. oops! let’s see how I did:
financial goals

  1. read your money or your life and implement important $ strategies
  2. keep track of all $ spent for month of january
  3. catch up and keep checkbook balanced

achieved: none. well, I did buy quicken. that’s something.
crafty goals

  1. finish corn baby stat
  2. knit a sweater
  3. use up skirt fabrics – I’ve got material for at least 6 more skirts, so get to it!
  4. really commit to buy vs. make – repurpose clothes rather than buy new ones
  5. use up CSA foods more efficiently

achieved: some, sort of. I did really good on my CSA for the first 2 months, and then a lot of veggies went to waste. In my defense, I will say that the CSA was HUGE and I was really busy at work and lacking time and motivation to cook when I got home. I sewed 2 skirts and a shirt, but that was basically it. on the other hand, the only thing I bought new this year was some underpants, a bathing suit, and some athletic apparel – so that’s something, at least! I haven’t finished the corn baby (BAD ME) and I haven’t knit a sweater.
other goals

  1. read 100 books again
  2. inventory and sell off MK stock

achieved: one.  I read over 100 books (final count  102). the MK stock, on the other hand, is living fruitlessly in my closet. I am going to give it all away.