• .@Delta charges $50 to move up to the 3pm flight- last time I didn't do it either and the 4pm flight was overbooked! What cost vouchers? #
  • Oh the exquisite stress of the empty seat next to me as airplane boarding finishes up… Will it last? #
  • The trip home fm LGA was only 2 hrs! resolved: if you're brought to/from Beacon, LGA is kind of a great airport for eastern orange co peeps. #
  • I keep saying "yeah, that's why I don't wear pants," but it's not true – they're really BENEFITS to not wearing pants. #

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  • aw, I'm not used to being the one who is traveling for work (and an hour behind). usually *I* am dozing off while talking to @mikegrundy! #
  • I have 7 pages of notes fm my sustainable remediation conf today with zillions of action items starred for follow-up. #nerdparty #

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  • today was family physical day at the drs apparently – not only did @mikegrundy and I both have one this AM but I also ran into his mom! #
  • decided on the train! and will just have to catch up on that extra ONE HOUR of work capacity some other time during the week. #
  • As nutty and slightly inconvenient as LGA is, I think it's such a classy airport. Maybe it's all of the covered walkways? And bow ties? #
  • Dear Chicago: love the easy train access to/fm airport, hate that the airport forces use of plastic toilet seat covers. http://t.co/asxGNId #
  • All said, it's taken me 8 hrs door-to-door to get to chicago, with primarily public trans and plane. Not bad, really. #wishIwentAllRail #
  • There is a 24-hr 7-11 down the block from my hotel, which makes me feel like I'm in Japan. #thingsihavesharedwithrachel #

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The great outdoors

Mister Book loves our screen door. I just heard him GROWLING! he’s going to have the best summer here.


  • aw, I'm going to miss 12s band concert this week because I'm traveling for a conference. #badsteppers #
  • impulse shopping at whole foods: 2 chocolate bars, dark choc covered salted caramels, and unsweet kefir. I'm eating 1/2 of haul for dinner. #
  • our temporary cat just paused his bath and gave a Deep Sigh. I hear you, temporary cat, I hear you. #
  • trying to figure out how to get to my flight tomorrow at LGA and… the trains are as inconvenient as driving, but 15 min too late. 🙁 #

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  • I procrastinated bedtime last night by looking at zillions of productivity blogs re: best way to make an effective to-do list. #postvacafail #

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  • guess after our push home last night @mikegrundy and I needed a break – slept until 11AM, moved v. slowly the rest of the day. bedtime now! #

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  • Up early to finish packing, eat remainder of food, and start our ride north. Big question: start out in rain gear? #uglysideofmotorcycling #
  • so it's no iron butt, but we did accidentally ride the whole way home today (~390 mi in 12 hrs. with breaks, obvs. lots of them). #
  • aw, our temporary cat Book really missed us. he is so sweet and goofy! #
  • ha, so: not only did we ride the whole way home in damp and drizzle and dark, but once home? I dumped the bike in the driveway. oops! #
  • sweet @mikegrundy says he dumped HIS bike in the driveway after riding 386 mi. I was at 385 mi. next time we stop at 380 mi or we go to 390. #

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  • Today is goof-off day before we head home. This vacation has been amazing. @mikegrundy, Rick, and Janice are super fun. And! Motorcycles! #

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  • We just saw a bear crossing the road! (on the north end of the skyline drive.) #
  • And also after filling up I got 80 mpg on the skyline drive! Whoa! Going slow and steady clearly helps. #

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  • To bed vacation-early: tomorrow we hit the skyline drive! This is a pano of rides near our home-base: http://t.co/Bu1upBe #

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Motorcycling western VA

We’re staying for a week with Rick and0 Janice near Harrisonburg VA and riding in circles around the mountainsides. It’s lovely – wish you were here!

  • My too tight riding pants helped my moderation at the penna Dutch smorgasbord, but the mcycle wheels aren't the only round thing leaving. #

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  • For some reason I was so sure that CHERRY Coke zero would be delicious. I was wrong, I was horribly wrong. #

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  • Doing this thing where I can't look at my personal internet dailies until I finish something on my to-do list. Which: duh. Also: huge pain! #
  • Got 1 of 5 things done but now list has grown to 8 must-do-1st-thing items?! This is why I can't get ahead! http://t.co/yCNe37Y #
  • I just tore the house apart with @mikegrundy to find the awesome stickers for my topcase and they are seriously nowhere to be found. Arch! #

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  • decision point: I have a lot of errands (like, drs appts) and a long day, do I ride and prove my motorcycle is viable everyday transporter? #
  • after ignoring recent news for a full cycle it's heart-lifting to see so many MLK Jr quotes on my friends FB pages. Thank you, dear ones! #
  • Got to my evening appt so early! Thankful I've got a curb and some nice weather to enjoy. http://t.co/49wD2TV #
  • 33 bucks worth of granola bars plus work clothes – leaving trader joes w snacks for next weeks mcycle trip! http://t.co/hvOWe6z #

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Our Handsome Temporary Space Cat


Book has been practicing his laser eyes.  Don’t worry, ILoveToDoDishes, he’s still on the side of good. FOR NOW.

  • YAY info – I always mix these up: "Severe Thunderstorm Watch = possible in next few hours… Warning = imminent" http://tinyurl.com/3dgmven #

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Motorcycling with Seven

Mike and I took Seven out for a ride on Saturday! We had a few firsts –

  • First time I had a passenger on my bike;
  • First time Seven got to ride on the DRZ;
  • First time Seven tried out his awesome new motorcycle jacket (which is still way too big for him);
  • First time Mike tried out his new helmet;
  • First time Seven got on the bike, rode for a little, signaled for me to stop, and peed by the side of the road; and
  • First time of the year we rode to ice cream!

note: I hate this photo, because the cheek pads are still too tight and I have dramatic chubby face syndrome. thinner pads are on the way.

It was really so fun. I was worried about passengering someone – especially sweet little Seven! but he is so light and sits so still that it wasn’t a problem. He liked that he can touch the pegs AND lean against my top case – on Mike’s kawi he can’t reach the passenger back rest and hang on to Mike at the same time.


also of note: we strapped him into boots that may be 2 sizes too large, but we tied them up REALLY TIGHT so they wouldn't come off. he walked like a diver.

We still need to get real pants for the boys, and we especially need to get them some more seat time so they can build butt endurance and we can start to go on longer trips together. Twelve (he’s twelve now! not Eleven!) hasn’t been out since last year either, and now that he’s so aged he is victim to that horrible tweenish falling-asleep-all-the-time thing now – so we have to make sure he doesn’t conk out on us while on the bike.

We also had an interesting conversation with the boys yesterday when Seven asked why he had to wear boots on the motorcycle and of course being safety kid I said “so if you fall off your ankle bones don’t shatter into a million pieces.” I told them about people I know who’ve shattered ankles and have metal plates in their legs now to hold everything together. And then we played “spot the squid” on the way home from visiting my parents. (If this conversation was on twitter I would hashtag it with #protectingchildrenwithuglyscarytruths.)

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