• I screwed up the train schedule and will miss running the race for the cure. But! I really needed the rest, and I will STILL have brunch! #
  • Seriously! Also, @nysci, what the heck? RT @mikegrundy: Hey @makerfaire, no recycling bins @ world maker faire? Really?! #
  • In my athletic clothes waiting for bus. always feel like a fake when I wear this stuff in public tho am actually ok at running! #selfcritic #
  • PANTS. Bus was taking too long and I hopped off to take a cab to the train station: can we do 20 blocks in 5 min? Eep! #
  • Oh crap. A parade. #totallymissingmytrain #
  • Well, missed train totally. Left cab at 110th and walked – hey: Marcus Garcey park is amazing, isn't it? Bell tower! http://t.co/12WnzTmM #

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  • Man, I'd forgotten how bulky my cold weather gear is! That liner is ridiculous. 45degF motorcycle ride in to work today. #

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  • Hairstyling strategy: let it all stick up and see how the helmet squashes it. Before! #motorcycling http://t.co/S9qmItSE #
  • Hmmm. That didn't work like I thought it would. The helmet has no flattening effect on my crazy happy hair, apparently. http://t.co/PgechbvL #
  • Clearly there is no hope, but a hairbrush helped out a lot. After: http://t.co/w9g2p6bi #
  • Accidentally stayed at work too late and had to motorcycle home in 50degF weather w/out cold gear. Brr! But! No rain, so that's something. #

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  • .@NekoCase I've been playing all your songs on shuffle thru my helmet speakers all week. *Clearly* I am the toughest motorcyclist around. #

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  • was my "pass all slow cars so they run interference" plan for after my dark taillightless mcycle commute smart? I got home safe. THIS TIME. #

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  • Many of the roads in my village are closed bc of flooding – ground is too saturated to manage the rains – now new river crests to watch for. #
  • Ugh the Mosquitos at football practice are baking me seriously neurotic. And ITCHY. #
  • just made an unpleasant stinky discovery in dryer – whole load tainted. I blame stinky boys and polyester shorts, @mikegrundy blames mold?! #

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  • Did I mention that I had a big splinter in my thumb? It was 8mm long!! (note dirty nails hazard of mesh mcycle gloves) http://t.co/JDSomVK #
  • Helping @mikegrundy do survey for @mktplaceradio @kairyssdal on our mortgage/refi hassle. Supposedly closing tomorrow after 9 mos of hassle! #

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  • On noes! I sent @ilovetododishes the wrong way on flooded roads, causing her to be stranded btwn puddles and in need of @mikegrundy rescue! #

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  • The NYS thruway is open and you can see the flood marks on the roadside foliage. Man, in some places the water was 3-4 ft over road surface! #
  • The still-intact powerline kills me. “@jenwdragon: #Catskills house teeters on edge of eroded streambank http://t.co/U6rcsIo #Irene #FEMA” #

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  • Orange County NY (home!) is effectively cut off from northern NJ (work!) by flooded/washed out roads and other closures. extended vacation? #
  • if someone is indignant that the hurricane didn't hurt them, smack them with science: the noaa river gauge page http://t.co/DF9fM7g #
  • btwn roads and trains no hope for OC commuters… RT @TransportNation MTA … Port Jervis line. Whoa. http://t.co/UG1fgp2 #irene #mta #
  • finished one tiny bit of work I was able to do today – now off to the youth football field to run while @mikegrundy watches little dudes. #
  • I went to football practice and I ran and ran and ran. I'm so thankful my body sticks with me like this. I can't wait to like running again. #

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  • Have procrastinated from peeling peaches for a couple of hours by reading canning/pickling cookbooks. I may press @mikegrundy into service. #
  • Canning peaches. I have 33 lbs to process and still some left for jam! However I am doing everything the slow way. #wishmystovehad6burners #
  • Just finishing the last two batches if sliced peaches: 34-pints and 1-quart all jarred up. I will save the jam fir another day, I think. #
  • So windy out – i'm thankful we redid the roof and had our trees trimmed/felled (almost worth the tweaker and small claims court for latter!) #
  • dear @mtainsider: I LOVE your flickr feed. thank you! http://t.co/TeMDbCi #
  • I LOVE this pic of kids cleaning up after the storm in Queens. http://t.co/bUTp50Z #
  • oh vermont, I am so worried about you. #

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  • Success! Got a bushel of freestone peaches to keep me busy tomorrow while it rains and rains and rains. #

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  • Oh pants: this is our DelMarVa penninsula evacuation traffic: #HurricaneIrene http://t.co/a2Yeha6 #
  • Made it home and unpacked the car, and even did a load of laundry! Tomorrow we batten hatches and buy up all peaches we can find. #

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  • When all I'm buying at 1130pm is cat food and lots of snacks I appreciate that the man w the gallon of ice cream + a cream pie can't judge. #

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  • I hope to hannah (um, sorry @hehardy) that my mascara is what's making my eyes so intolerant of my contacts over the last couple of days. #

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  • ugh, I am so horrified to learn that NYS doesn't require sex education. http://t.co/pZhA4HR #
  • off to the beach next week but first large qtys of pickle making/canning + construction of chuck wagon must happen. #typicalvacationschedule #
  • RT @amandapalmer for =< 12 seconds every day i think about how fucking happy i am that the chick from tuneyards doesn't shave her upper lip in reply to amandapalmer #

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