Homework Monster

Lately I am the homework monster. Mike’s “new” job has a long commute and a lot of afternoon meetings, so frequently I am picking up the boys after work, bringing them to my house, making dinner and checking their homework. Then Mike rolls in at 7:30 and I give him a kiss on the cheek and serve him dinner. (for the record, then he cleans ALL THE KITCHEN after the boys are to bed and I climb under my own covers with a glass of wine and a good novel.)

photo Nine is, well, NINE. he is not interested in doing homework. He gets it out at his sitters after school and does it to about 95% completion. I’ve been making a point this year to check his homework whenever he’s at our house, and make sure that his answers are correct and he’s done everything he’s supposed to do.



photo Thirteen is, well, THIRTEEN. and he REALLY doesn’t want us to butt in to his schedule and so for now, we are letting him check his own work. If his grades change then that’ll change too. We bought him a new planner and showed him how we get notifications from his teachers if he misses a homework assignment. He knows the plan and hunkers down to work as soon as we get into the house.

This week I spent nearly 2 hours with Nine going over homework. He’d left his homework packet at our house on Thursday morning, so he couldn’t hand in homework that was due on Thursday, Friday, or Monday. He didn’t tell his mom or his babysitter about it, and he passed it off to his teacher as a “dad’s house/mom’s house” issue. So he got a big talk. He had to finish all the homework he would have had to complete last week – a math worksheet, some reading, and a book report – and then we talked about all the homework he hadn’t gotten done the week before, how leaving homework at our house is NOT an excuse because hey: your mom and dad talk, kiddo, a lot, and how he needs to be more responsible for his own homework.

(This is all really crazy for me because I never did homework when I was a little kid. Don’t tell Nine.)

It turns out I’m the homework heavy. I’ve been talking to Mike all summer about Thirteen, and how to help him succeed at school. I totally laid down the law for Nine this week. Thankfully Mike backs me up, and the boys’ mom agrees too. But I just never thought I’d be the one enforcing this stuff for these little dudes, and I certainly didn’t expect it to take as much time as it does.  HOLY COW DOES IT TAKE A LOT OF TIME.


I wrote in April about how much parenting I take on with the little dudes, and you know, I’ve been doing about the same level of engagement for a few years now. But no matter what happens I have a very little insecure stepmonster deep inside who manages to derail me frequently with whispers of “who ARE you, anyway, to force your value system on these children? They’re not even yours.” UGH. torturecakes. What a nasty little voice.

And you know, it’s KIND OF true. They’re not biologically *my kids.* They are, however, the kids I’ve got and the kids I’m caring for. So I have to remind myself to shut UP that insecure stepmonster voice. Kids LOVE structure. Kids LOVE having reasonable expectations placed on them, because kids also LOVE success and accomplishment, and with reasonable expectations there are endless opportunities for success and accomplishment.

Just by knowing me and seeing me as frequently as they do, the little dudes will pick up on my value system. If I chain-smoked and drank with breakfast and cussed all the time, they would notice that. If I went to church 5x a week and prayed before meals, they would notice that. I’m a reasonable person with very reasonable expectations: do your very best in school. No iPhones at the dinner table. We will all eat together for dinner. Eat vegetables every day. Read a book every now and then. Pretty easy stuff, right?

  • Whoa. After waking up in TN at 4am, flying back and doing a full days work in NJ, then intensive homework time w Nine for the last 2 hours.. #

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Originally uploaded by karinajean.

My sweet gramma in 1999. She just passed away this week at 93. I love her dearly.

  • It's no midnight train, but I did get up super early to catch this flight to Georgia. #
  • Charlotte airport, you are so civilized with your free wifi! #
  • That moment when you realize putting down the airline seat armrest won't stop middle seat guy because he'll just stick his elbow over. #

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  • She's wearing knee socks, shorts, and what appear to be mcycle boots! Proof a fashion maven is following me around. http://t.co/g3CIaQFL #

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  • Just for the record, I am TOTALLY and ENTIRELY better off now then I was four years ago. INCLUDING economically. #atleastoneperson #

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Things we made

Mike and I made two things in the month of August.

First – a chuck wagon! For camping! It came out great and was so marvelous at the beach. It DID require about a zillion screws placed every 3 inches. But totally worth it.


Then we made a wedding. I KNOW! We planned it in 2 weeks and had a great time getting hitched at the courtroom with our parents and the boys in attendance.


And right after we married each other, we loaded up the chuck wagon and headed to the beach for our regularly scheduled camping trip.


I have a really good life, y’all.

  • After a week of afternoon beach snacks, today I had serious cheezball withdrawal at 3pm. #secondlunch #

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  • oh hai. today I went for a run and it was horribly hot and exhausted and I can't catch my breath right because I'm so stressed. sigh. #

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  • Introduced the boys to Gramma's lovelite choc cake AND the renowned money cake for NINE's bday today! http://t.co/GarRtVGb #

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  • Eight's first time at day camp today and felt seriously sadface as I left him sitting by himself. He's probs got ALL THE FRIENDS now but… #

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Newburgh Brewing Company


Can’t tell you how pleased the mister and I are that the Newburgh Brewing Company is open for business, does brisk trade in growlers, and serves very delicious beer. We stopped by before the 4th of July and sampled their wares. Apparently they also have board games and delicious locally sourced food, but we haven’t had a chance to make an evening out of the tap-room experience.

By the way – it turns out that I kind of like beer. I hadn’t bothered to try to enjoy it at all until about a year ago – every time I tried it, I didn’t like it much. I don’t know if my tastebuds changed or if beer is just radically more delicious now than it was 10-15 years ago. I mean, I know we’re in a glorious period of craft beer excellence, but it’s kind of ridiculous that it may have gotten so much better since then. What a pleasure to have a nice local brewery that I can honestly support because they’re making a delicious product.

after two years of hard use

tourmaster intake air gloves

These are the same gloves – the Tour Master Intake gloves. The one on the right has been in hard use for about 2 years. I finally retired it when the perforated leather palm looked in danger of ripping. I got them cheap at motorcyclegear.com and liked them so much that I bought a 2nd pair just in case they were discontinued. The selling point was the fingers being “unusually long.” I have a slender ladies hand, but also long long long fingers. Normally gloves that fit my fingers are so wide that they bunch under my palms, or gloves that fit my hands have fingers that are short enough to press the seams against my finger tips – and these two things are at best annoying, at worst painful or blistery.

All in all these gloves are reasonable minimally protective gloves – textile mesh and foam pads, they attach firmly to the wrist above the wrist bones, and they have leather palms and inside fingers.

  • That cheeseburger I ate last night at 10pm is sitting heavy. Ugh. #

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