Category Archives: daily

I rolled over the "I've ridden this motorcycle for 13,000 miles" tonight. Not bad for 28 months ownership (thru some northeast winters)! # I'm having hilarious feelings re: waving to motorcyclists in this 75deg weather: where've y'all been? My arm's … Continue reading

hey @brdgtc, any chance you can work this hark a vagrant comic into your thesis? # today is beautiful. I transported cupcakes to work on my motorcycle for a bake sale. commuting via bike is besters! # Powered … Continue reading

Bake sale on a motorcycle

We had a bake sale today to raise money for hungry kids and I rode in with a loaf if banana bread in my hat box and a dozen cupcakes strapped behind me:


The cupcakes had a little room to slide around in there, but only 2 were damaged and I marked them as “smashcakes” with a 75% discount. I mean, I say “only two” but that’s 16% damaged.  Not a great loss rate but I could reduce it with more careful packing of cupcakes into the box, for sure.

See, you can do ANYTHING on a motorcycle!

Quick motorcycle ride w @mikegrundy while the kids are w Grammy, then first chain clean and lube of the season. Y'all, I think it's spring! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Ok, maybe it WAS too cold to ride to work today. #brrr # Powered by Twitter Tools

Spring peepers all the way home today! Stay good, March: be kind to our amphibian friends. # Today I worked super late and then came home to a water report for my village soundly in need of revision. #needparty … Continue reading

Pro Tip: when dressing to motorcycle to work, make sure to check YOUR weather station, and not one 80 mi. south. Oh hai 32 degF not 45. brr. # let's talk about DST. Can't we do 30 min shift instead … Continue reading

Lovely day for a trip to dia beacon. Or to anywhere, actually. Hello, potentially fake spring: I love you anyway. # Whiskey tango foxtrot, America: PONG BEER?! #realproduct # Oh hai @mikegrundy. I heard you have cold hands … Continue reading

We lurched out of bed at 930 am. @mikegrundy and I are do bad at sleeping in. Tho we did go to bed at 8 last night. #maybethebestactually # Found a tapped maple grove today at Ashoken with @mikegrundy. The … Continue reading

This is amazing. # “@mikegrundy: Just so we're all clear about this: I am a feminist.” man of my dreams. # Hey did I mention my dentist appt yesterday? Two fillings replaced w no novacaine and then went back … Continue reading

Happy International Women's Day, y'all. If you're not sure why this is necessary: Heck, read it even if you ARE sure. # Women who work in architecture & engineering occupations make 80 cents to the dollar men earn #NarrowTheGap … Continue reading

International Woman’s Day

In honor of international woman’s day, I rode my motorcycle to work.

Ok, so, not at all in honor of that. It was gorgeous out, and I rode to work. And then I worked super late – potentially earning 80 cents to the dollar compared to men (though at my firm I am doing pretty well, honestly) – and when I left the parking lot was pitch black and the wind was just kicking up.


But in honor of international women’s day, let me say: read this. If you are a lady on a motorcycle, you probably know what it’s like to strive for equality – be it on the showroom floor as sales dudes try to sell to the man you’re with, at the shop when a mechanic talks down to you, or when you try to find well fitting and safe gear. And those are just small ways. Around the world there are many many ways women are unequal. Its harmful for everyone, too, not just the women themselves. Let’s ALL work towards equality – both men and women.

“@ActuallyNPH: That Kirk Cameron is hilarious!” # “@feministhulk: SPEAKING *UP* FOR SOMEONE = ALWAYS BETTER THAN SPEAKING *FOR* THEM. BETTER STILL: STOP SPEAKING A MOMENT, TRY TO LISTEN.” # Redheads are some wacky folks, yo. oh wait! (I've been … Continue reading

after lying in bed all day yesterday and then getting another 10 hours of sleep last night, I feel STRANGELY JUMPY. #isthiswellrested # Powered by Twitter Tools

“@eliza_evans: I take birth control for health reasons but focusing on that is wrong. Women shld get meds w/out having to pass purity test” # Finally got a chance to read a book in one go this year. May I … Continue reading

Geraniums may depress kittehs

Our temporary cat has been eating all out geraniums. He left them alone for months! But has recently discovered them.

He has also been moping around moreso than usual. Even more corners are say in and mewed at.

Thursday I checked Dr Internet and determined that geraniums are toxic to cats – and worse! – a symptom of ingestion is depression. So I called Mike right away and asked him to move all the plants that Book eats to the laundry room. Today he took things a step further: he put up the shelf we’ve had for years and cleaned the room. It’s amazing in there now! These plants will thrive.


Day 29: This will be the weirdest post for (perhaps every) February! #29in29 and hard to believe it's over! # oh my gracious, y'all RUN don't walk over to this post and make me some french macarons! # … Continue reading

This will be the weirdest post for (perhaps every) February

I learned today that it’s “traditionally acceptable” for women to ask men to marry them during a leap year. Clearly, with my egalitarian ideals I have heretofore missed out on untold opportunities to ask men to marry me. (well, at least 8 opportunities. I’m just 34 years old.) I also learned that it’s traditional in Denmark to compensate the spurned lady with 12 pairs of gloves if you reject her.

Tonight Mike and I had A Big Talk.

Me: so it’s leap year. will you….?

Mike: Funny you should ask, I just found a big box of gloves.

Me: GOOD. it will help you to STAUNCH THE BLEEDING.

(we do love each other very much. clearly. and on that big day, we’re totally giving this song a prominent position in all festivities:)

Here concludes the Fuzzygalore 29 in 29 challenge! I think it went rather well, what do you think?

Day 27: eating in the car. #29in29 I can't believe the challenge is almost done! # tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired. #tired # Ladies, please all go read this and then negotiate the PANTS off of … Continue reading

Online Eyeglasses

I’ve been shopping around for online eyeglasses, and have plummeted down the Warby Parker rabbit hole. I also ordered three pairs for about $40 from Zenni Optical. They just shipped, and should arrive this week.

I have worn hard lenses (rigid gas permeable) since I was 19 years old, in college, wearing my soft lenses for two years straight and for 20 hours a day. Remember when insurance companies would only buy you one pair of lenses – glasses OR soft contacts – every two years? I had a problem with protein deposits and my corneas became slightly misshapen, and I was put into RGP lenses by an eye doctor who affirmed I was too irresponsible to care for soft lenses.

The thing is, RGP lenses corrected my eyes AMAZINGLY. I had the clearest and most wonderful vision with them! I could wear them all day and most of the night! And I didn’t have to get new ones unless the old ones broke – in the last 15 years I’ve only had 4 pairs of lenses! and now I’m wearing soft lenses and they make my eyes itch after about 15 hours, and they aren’t as sharply corrective, and they are so very wasteful. I miss my hard lenses. So I am compensating with lots of pretty glasses, for those days when I just can’t get these big soft pieces of plastic into my eyes.

For reference, these are my old glasses:


I’m blogging a photo a day for the month of February. There’s only one day left! #29in29