Category Archives: daily

So 70% rain means 30% no rain, right? (looking fwd to a wet rise home, I guess.) # Powered by Twitter Tools

At the demoralizing just-back-to-workin-out place where you immediately gain 2lbs. Possibly all lactic acid weight, I'm sure. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Totally over did it this weekend: running 2x after a month of nothing and then a brutal 2 hrs battling the 4' tall grass in our yard. # Powered by Twitter Tools

It’s all blueberries and fountain pens.

This week I’m still getting my feet under me after our amazing and as yet recapped motorcycle vacation. All I want to do us eat blueberries.

After vacation we did a weekend whirlwind trip to SC for my sweet cousin Sara’s wedding and all the road food took its toll – besides the salt bloat, there was a serious lack of greenery on our plates lately. Mike joked that he heard his cells sigh in relief after having a salad this week as they were hit with missing vitamins and nutrients. As for me, I’m devouring blueberries. It’s blueberry season and they’re practically local – grown nearby in southern NJ. And they are SO delicious.

And the fountain pens? Well. It turns out I have so many that I’ve been surprised by what’s in my bag this week. Oops. Better enjoy them all and stop pen shopping.

“@nytimesstyle: Nepalese Pedicurists Must Overcome Aversion to Strangers’ Feet” this is an actual headline and no #savecooper coverage?! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Happy Mother's Day to our porch robin and all the other moms, stepmoms, and caring-fors out there! # Electronics clinic: I just fixed my screen and put a red one on in just 25 minutes! electronics repair supahstar!” … Continue reading

I brought Eight to his baseball game and had to borrow last years cap from him. SO SUNNY #ohaispring # Powered by Twitter Tools

We have a porch robin, and look what she did! # Our porch robin nursery. # Powered by Twitter Tools

remember that time the amazing community rallyed behind the ideals of free tuition and meritocracy? #cooperunion # Powered by Twitter Tools

Emergency Student Council mtg w faculty/alumni to discuss The Way Forward 4/30 6pm 6th fl foundation bldg – y'all come! # Powered by Twitter Tools

“@literaryanimal: Satyagraha and The Way Forward” she does it again – another must-read from Sangu. #thankfulforfriends # Redeye truly was awesome! Landed a full 30 min ahead of sched and I'm off to the parking lot. # Today: … Continue reading

"@mjhawley: Patently absurd: In US we are spending more on IP litigation than IP creation by many measures." @mikegrundy # Good morning Phoenix! # Yesterday we went to taliesin west. There were thes wing chairs there, I deeply covet … Continue reading

At JFK en route PHX. Longest security line I've been ever! But it includes middleaged couple in matching lemon yellow sweaters so all is ok. # JetBlue terminal at JFK, I applaud you for playing "I've got a crush on … Continue reading

I wrote a testimonial about what Cooper Union means to me. I like it, I hope you do too! # Powered by Twitter Tools Edited to add archive text!: (CE ‘99) I confess in full that I only knew … Continue reading

Did I mention seeing @literaryanimal speaking at #tedx #cooperunion last night? Amazing and brilliant. # "@FriendsofCooper: The Way Forward for Cooper Union:" @kairyssdal @neiltyson @planetmoney @Radiolab @VP @MktplaceRadio # So proud of the #cooperunion community – pls download … Continue reading

#tedx #cooperunion starting! # Powered by Twitter Tools

y'all, it's me! “@helmetorheels: Good morning friends! NEW: Profile of a Female Motorcyclist: Meet Kari” thank you! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Mary Blade, standing at blackboard. I love love love her. # We are having a spring nor'easter and I am suddenly even more super glad that Ben cut down our rotten tree out back. # Powered by Twitter … Continue reading

After my couch-laying last night I fell asleep at, like, 9pm! And slept through until 515! I am finally feeling better. Aaah. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Tonight I laid on couch and read twitter while @mikegrundy fed temporary kitty grass from the yard, fed me samoas, and washed the kitchen. # Powered by Twitter Tools