Category Archives: daily

It's no midnight train, but I did get up super early to catch this flight to Georgia. # Charlotte airport, you are so civilized with your free wifi! # That moment when you realize putting down the airline seat armrest … Continue reading

She's wearing knee socks, shorts, and what appear to be mcycle boots! Proof a fashion maven is following me around. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Guns n hoses game tonight. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Just for the record, I am TOTALLY and ENTIRELY better off now then I was four years ago. INCLUDING economically. #atleastoneperson # Powered by Twitter Tools

GOOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH. # Powered by Twitter Tools

After a week of afternoon beach snacks, today I had serious cheezball withdrawal at 3pm. #secondlunch # Powered by Twitter Tools

Teaching Nine how to knit! # Assuaging his week away from screen time with non-stop Futurama episodes. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Fam vacation/honeymoon re-entry. Think I'll finally finish the mittens for @mikegrundy now he's my HUSBAND?! # Powered by Twitter Tools

oh hai. today I went for a run and it was horribly hot and exhausted and I can't catch my breath right because I'm so stressed. sigh. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Introduced the boys to Gramma's lovelite choc cake AND the renowned money cake for NINE's bday today! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Y'all I got 2nd place in my age group! Not a big race but still: WHOOO! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Eight's first time at day camp today and felt seriously sadface as I left him sitting by himself. He's probs got ALL THE FRIENDS now but… # Powered by Twitter Tools

Newburgh Brewing Company


Can’t tell you how pleased the mister and I are that the Newburgh Brewing Company is open for business, does brisk trade in growlers, and serves very delicious beer. We stopped by before the 4th of July and sampled their wares. Apparently they also have board games and delicious locally sourced food, but we haven’t had a chance to make an evening out of the tap-room experience.

By the way – it turns out that I kind of like beer. I hadn’t bothered to try to enjoy it at all until about a year ago – every time I tried it, I didn’t like it much. I don’t know if my tastebuds changed or if beer is just radically more delicious now than it was 10-15 years ago. I mean, I know we’re in a glorious period of craft beer excellence, but it’s kind of ridiculous that it may have gotten so much better since then. What a pleasure to have a nice local brewery that I can honestly support because they’re making a delicious product.

That cheeseburger I ate last night at 10pm is sitting heavy. Ugh. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Lies I tell myself while running: it's ok that I haven't run for a week – I've been MOTORCYCLING, which uses core muscles! #terriblerun # Powered by Twitter Tools

woke up feeling a little wobbly and I'm due for a job site visit today 2 hours away… hope leftover ravioli does the trick. #dizzybroad # Just learned that you do not have to be an elected member of congress … Continue reading

So it occurs to me that if I'm so stressed out by not reading twitter that I don't tweet, I really need to reconsider the list of "follows@ # “@JessicaValenti: Wish stats on gender/domestic work accts for mental labor. It's … Continue reading

This is your prize for leaving NJ.

I woke up this morning and blew off my run, and the universe rewarded my laziness with a blazing thunderstorm. Clearly the wrong traits are being reinforced.

I also felt just like I was back in Pittsburgh. After I closed every single window in the house I laid back down and listened to the rain and the booms and thought about that summer as I finished my masters, and how storms would blow through town every morning and every afternoon. Squished up on the western edge if the Alleghenies, PGH gets ALL the rain as the clouds push on over the mountain tips.

This was my lovely treat as I drive home tonight. After a day of violent thunderstorms, it was a super nice way to leave the state and head home.


The pano is a tiny bit like a stereogram – I didn’t line up the bits as well as I could have – but then, I WAS pulled off on the shoulder of the highway where I’ve been attempted-killed before.

All about the time I almost ate a centipede. # Powered by Twitter Tools

This beastie tried to climb into my mouth and hang out with me.



Seriously, it was in my teacup (unbeknownst to me!) and the it was IN MY MOUTH. At least it was dead. I guess.


