Monthly Archives: May 2013

loving the part where I can livestream the president’s office sit-in. thank you @FreeCooperUnion! #100mileawayalum…

Cooper Union, I Love You but You’re Bringing Me Down… bonus: stream while reading for max moods…

Great summary of alum/student/faculty stuff happening AFTER Board announced tuition… via @hyperallergic #stillworking

“on the crisis of little boys being taken for little girls & opposite. I don’t think it matters a bit.”… @YarnHarlot

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE in Cooper Union Alumni Association Elections! Get on that, and tell your friends!…

my anti-poison-ivy prednisone script says to take with dairy or food. I’m taking it w all the dairy food (ICE CREAM) we have in the fridge.

That time you congratulated yourself on washing up throughly after a possible poison ivy exposure and on the 3rd day you’re puffy and oozy.

Poison ivy swolly eye. #ew #ow #jerks