Daily Archives: 5/11/2013

And then @mikegrundy, nine, and I sat around watching sv650 fork service videos on the Internet. #familyaffair #nerds http://t.co/aFVYt4sCb6

omg and her name is karina too. “hot chick drz400 oil change” – really?! #wtf youtube.com/watch?v=DKX81y… … #myfeminismhurts #karinasolidarity

Chain maintenance in the rain. http://t.co/qCZcTZaNWU

Polka music Saturday drives vine.co/v/b0erwOEUnLY

Update from the office of the over 100 presidents of cooper union, incl guards, egress, mediation. @FreeCooperUnion cusos.org/55-hours/