mustard greens, wax beans, cubanelle peppers, potatos, green peppers, napa cabbage, lettuce, oregano, basil, radishes, watercress, and CORN!
I tucked right into the corn:

What, you don’t eat your sweet corn raw? you are totally missing out.
last night I finished off my old lettuce, chopped old radishes, and sauteed all the cubanelle peppers and kernals from 2 ears of corn (ate for lunch today). I also had to toss the old sage b/c it was getting all dried out. sad, my first toss. I found out when I was picking up the share that the thing I thought was chard from week 3 was actually BOK CHOY, which I LOVE (esp, when sauteed with butter, nutritional yeast, and tofu [which I’ll be buying and freezing over the weekend as prep]), so that was a nice surprise.
Tonight I am going to finish off the corn before it turns to starch. (there’s a corn-purists school of thought that says the only way to eat fresh corn is to put a pot of water on to boil, go out to pick an ear of corn, and then RUN BACK to the house while shucking it to launch it into the pot and avoid any starching of sugars. I am not a corn-purist, but I do try to eat it as fast as possible.) I also want to do something with the watercress from wk 3 – it’s so good tasting, I really do want to eat it up before the weekend. Maybe a big watercress salad? according to this webpage, watercress is the healthy superfood. awesome! in light of my love of cheese, I will make this cheesy watercress pate and also b/c I have almost all the ingredients already for this watercress and pear soup I’ll make that too. Plus Farmer Joy posted a recepie for braised napa cabbage with shitake mushrooms that sounds so good, that’s on my list to make early next week.
week 2: potatoes, radishes
week 3: watercress, potatoes, kale, bok choy, beans, beets
What with the holiday, it was all I could do to just get through last weeks lettuce – I actually ate half of it last night and the other half today. the basil and parsley made the most divine pesto ever (though I should have added more oil, and I didn’t have parm cheese so I used nutritional yeast instead, which WAS yum!).
Now that I’m thinking about it, I should use the potatoes to make either spicy horseradaish mashed potatoes, or roast them with garlic and oregano, or both. I found a good recepie for mustard greens but I left it at home and all I remember is that it includes mustard seeds, so I’ll pick some of those up as well. whoo! I’d better get to the store and then home to cook! I was going to do yoga, but with all these big plans, shoot, all bets are off.