odds and ends

you can download beethoven’s symphonies from the BBC (all 9 of them!) after they’re performed. Five of them are up now. They take a looong time to download but I anticipate it will be worth it.

I’m getting my hairs cut today, at 6:30. I picked the shee-shee-ist place in my town and waltzed in last night to make an appointment. I noticed while I was there that there were only mens having their hairs cut, but there was a price on the wall for ladies cuts, so I should be fine.

I’ve been going to bed between 9:30 and 10 every night this week (except sunday, ok, for the last 2 nights), because I am apparently burnt out and stressed beyond belief. The sleep seems to be serving me well, althouh it’s really getting in the way of unpacking, which is important b/c my brother and my nephew may be joining me this weekend for some family time and for some good friend’s renn faire exploration. I want to buy my nephew a giant turkey leg! and take pictures of him eating it!