I am very tall. I have bright red hair. I have a black belt in tae kwon do. I knit. I try to spin my own yarn. I read voraciously and indiscriminately. I have a sewing machine, and I constantly plot the making of my own clothes. I like foods that go with red wine. The red wine is coincidental: I also like gin, the drink of washed up movie stars, and margaritas, the drink of pretending either that it is summer, or that what you do tonight won't matter in the morning. I am a motorcycle enthusiast, and I am plotting a carb breakdown to get my bike back on the road. I am a nerdy kind of girl but one with a goal to throw dinner parties wearing aprons and to keep jars of fresh flowers around my home.March 2025 M T W T F S S « Nov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Categories
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Tag Archives: tweettweet
Just got home from amazing #freecooper summit thru rain and fog on mcycle. Celebrating with ice cream. Y'all, it was incredible tonight! # “@essl: “Not a day goes by that I don’t thank the universe for letting me be part … Continue reading
netflix, thanks for suggesting "cool as ice," categorized in "opposites attract romcoms." @mikegrundy will be so happy! http://t.co/rWMPvJy0 # Powered by Twitter Tools
We had a very marker tattoo afternoon after turkey. The family that inks together stays together! http://t.co/itsgYoMn # There are also hamsters at our thanksgiving. We give thanks for their cuteness. http://t.co/Du7dgGDB # Powered by Twitter Tools
follow the free cooper union struggle to take tuition off the table at the brian lehrer show RIGHT NOW! http://t.co/eJW1rV6w # Sister Sarah is lending us her whole house tonight for sleeping! We are so totally sacked out. # Powered … Continue reading
I think this should be my next motorcycle. http://t.co/ke9l2cR5 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Eight and scored the best impulse buy at the grocery store. And only $2.99! http://t.co/LoVx9stR # Powered by Twitter Tools
In #cooperunion great hall with a full crowd of amazing community for open forum. So excited to see participatory community action here. # But…. Nobody puts baby in the corner! Abe Lincoln spoke from this podium! #cooperunion http://t.co/k5zL22hZ # For … Continue reading
good news! "at this time your estimated time of power restoration is 11/02/11 8PM" …. OH WAIT. @snufkin, maybe DO pack those handwarmers! # the power is back on! got home for cheese, crackers, chili, a beer, and @eruciform livetweeting … Continue reading
Still no power. The neighborhood behind out house does, though, which is just rude! My new comfort temp range is 53-57degF indoors. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Aaaah snow! Halloween party is off, but we are still going to make and eat all of the party foods. http://t.co/q0MMzoPW # Power is out! We are entertained by intermittent transformer fires down on the corner. Little dudes tucked in … Continue reading
Ugh, after nearly 2 hrs of bleeding/priming the line /pump, still nothing. We are off to our cold bed. Hopefully we can fix it tomorrow! # dorkiest night: I ID an axes error on @goodreads graph analyzing pub date of … Continue reading
More furnace surgery tonight. This is NOT the kind of stuff you want to blow out of your fuel oil line. http://t.co/hU9sotd0 # Powered by Twitter Tools
oh, PANTS. I was sure @mikegrundy and I could fix the furnace but the line must be clogged. we changed the filter but the pump won't draw! # We couldn't turn on the heat tonight (bc it's BROKEN) but really, … Continue reading
I got to my 8am mtg 1 full hour early. When you live 80 miles away I guess that's how it goes sometimes. #StarbucksIsAFeeBasedPark # And! Just arrived at my office. I woke up at 4AM, y'all. This msg has … Continue reading
One of the things that makes fatigue after late night in NYC worth it: discount bread fm Panya. http://t.co/InvCNXgN # This has been a really bad week for traffic on the thruway. #yesIAmParkedOnTheHighway # Just learned that the Orange Co … Continue reading
Oh hey, I finished my hat today in our staff meeting! http://t.co/GuV8GBVK # YES! RT @dlightful: when I hear..about Herman Cain, I'm offended someone thought Godfather's Pizza was a good biz name. #racist #stereotype # Had a heart to heart … Continue reading
W. Eight at a party and it's "1 of these moms is not like the others" You guess who has short hair, skirt, knee socks, cons, and knitting… # Powered by Twitter Tools
Oh hey, I got some yarn for a sweater! #sheepandwool #rheinbeck http://t.co/Hdjmn6oM # Powered by Twitter Tools
goals for tonight: buy yarn needle * block capelet (maybe fix bind off) * make potato leek soup * bed at 930. Doable, y'all? # Powered by Twitter Tools
Ugh I am having one of those mornings where every single yarn needle I own has disappeared! #latetowork #thisiswhyIneverfinishprojects # Powered by Twitter Tools