Tag Archives: tweettweet

spent 1.5 hrs in cold dark rain at youth football, then dealt with practice aftermath for 7 who was too cold and too tired to stop wailing.

It occurs to me that the motion I used this morning to describe movement of the ball and socket hip joint can be described as “jazz hands.”

I have totally misplaced a purple ball of yarn. so frustrating! I looked everywhere! um, has anyone received a purple gift from me lately?

another epic meltdown by 11. this kid is so tired – why would one think early AM school and late night sports is a good idea for preteens?

court is done – judge heavyhandedly steered us to mediator; agreement entirely in our favor but with a 2 YEAR PAYBACK PERIOD. #anticlimactic

I know courts aren’t friendly, but when there’s no room inside and no way to tell if you’re called fm hallway, I call structural violence.

another night of never being able to find what I need to find in this house of clutter. so hugely frustrating.

argh, totally wrecked sleepy Eleven checking math hmwk. he’s doing work right in his head, showing it wrong “like I’m sposed to” (he sobs)

done upgrading. @mikegrundy so horrified that manually copy files w an ftp client. he says shell access will make my life smell of unicorns!