Tag Archives: tweettweet

also, @mikegrundy makes a good bowl of beans.

wow, this chocolate bock is like beer pudding! #soIthoughtIdidn tlikebeer

if this true it’s truly AWESOME. a celebrity actually shunned/punished for violence against women? SO unusual! http://tinyurl.com/28o6eql

RT @mikegrundy Ohai Capitalism! New single from the Doverboys (my band) now available on iTunes: http://bit.ly/doverboys2010

dinner: cupboard brussel sprouts, starring potato chips, cream of chicn soup, paprika, mustard powder, whatever else I darn well put in.

not only did I vote, but when I got home I reprogrammed the thermostat. I LOVE DEMOCRACY!

Well, it’s November 1st and 54 deg in the house. Guess it’s time to put the heat on! http://yfrog.com/euzn8tj

35deg run this AM: wool tank, wool 3/4 sleeve shirt, wool leggings, alpaca socks, turtle fur ear+neck warmers, wool gloves, softshell. 6 mi!

brrr! I’m glad it’s november tomorrow. I’m tired of cold noses and homes in the 50degrees.

party clean up almost done, I’m on #1 of 4 loads of laundry, 11 is at urgent care with @mikegrundy for football injury, and 7 is napping.

oh heck. it occurs to me that this costume isn’t working out today – I am at t -1 hour, 85% more LEDs to sew, and apparently I’m shorting

aaaah party starts at 4 and we are just finishing up cleaning! and I have so many LEDs to sew onto my costume! aaaaah!

Fruits of my labor last night. I *guess* it’s lucky that I missed Luke and Jacks cupcake years… Or is it? http://yfrog.com/jps16aj

Programming done, now just have to get this into my outfit. And some other stuff. Excellent. http://yfrog.com/4bmrwsj

making cupcakes for office bake sale, when I should be learning how to program accelerometers for the lilypad and sewing my circuits!

my new eye doctor told me I had excellent binocularity, and then cracked up when I told her that ophthalmology had the BEST terms.

Wow! RT @NYstateparks 112,000 Palisades Pk wooded acres offset yrly carbon ftprint of 1/2 cars on Palisades Pkwy everyday http://ow.ly/30ui5

We thought we were in for insulation, furnace, and water heater. Please add a whole new roof to that! #goodthingweloveourhouse

RT @FakeAPStylebook Reporting on your own superheroic activity while in your secret identity as a reporter is an ethics violation, MR. KENT.

spent a couple of hours figuring out the lilypad arduino. good news: my costume will be awesome. bad news: when I finish it around january.