Tag Archives: tweettweet

oh gracious, these (affordable!) reproduction buttons. I want them all. http://www.najecki.com/repro/buttons/Civil.html

last night I super-steppersed it up in the kitchen. apparently, precooked dinner is EVERY busy parents friend. TJ turkey in a bag ftw!

Faraday brings our jobs together: he discovered benzene AND cages! RT @mikegrundy Todays science hero is Michael Faraday #superheroscientist

Go Eleven! RT @mikegrundy Jack made the honor roll! Woot! #applyingyourselfreallyworks

.@mikegrundy madscientisting/working-at-home this morning: “the microwave is like a faraday cage!” test-spriment! http://flic.kr/p/8Tzy4n

Apparently yet another thing Dolly and I have in common! RT @Dolly_Parton I have a strict policy that nobody cries alone in my presence.

spent a fabulous day today on the walkway across the hudson with fellow cooper union alumni, friends, and family. thanks y’all! so fun!

whoo hoo! non-permitted-republication of @tinychoices material has been taken down. that’s seriously lovely, was worried it would be a mess.

so I can’t decide if I want to read or to knit, and then I go and fritter time by using up the internets. bah!

ZOMG I cracked open a new jar of extra fermenting kimchi and I can feel it healing my throatcold. Related news: all coworkers think I stink.

Happy veterans day! And especially and with love to my mom and uncle vaughan.

argh, today had to try and contact @greentrashcan to remove @tinychoices content from blog. “feature” /= permissible republish!

.@greentrashcan you do NOT have permission to republish this from my blog @tinychoices. remove this content from your site please!

ack! RT @sarah_haskins wish the largest repository of writing about step-parenting I’ve seen on the web wasn’t on HuffPo’s new divorce page.

I was so hungry when I got home I had a snack… and now it appears that I have decided to have too many cheese balls for dinner. GROSS.

I badly want early AM runs in daylight (DST), but if I’m breathless on the couch after getting 7 into bed and folding laundry… #betternot

last night when @mikegrundy looked at my throat with a flashlight: “you have a sore throat!” yes, thank you muchly, sir. yes I do.

dual flush converter (and new “modern style” float) installed. now…. to wait for the rechargeable batteries to charge. #firstthingslast

aw, we finally get off our duffs to install the SimpleFlush dual flush toilet converter and our ball float is too big! #wevegotthebiggest

“I am not worried that your son will grow up to be an actual ninja so back off.” http://nerdyapplebottom.com/2010/11/02/my-son-is-gay/