Tag Archives: tweettweet

hey, may I crow? I am honored! surprised! proud! excited! to have been selected as the Cooper Union Young Alumnus of the Year.

hey, may I crow? I am honored! surprised! proud! excited! to have been selected as the Cooper Union Young Alumnus of the Year.

oh, my dears: I caught a terrible cold on sat and it has positively inhibited my internetting. in other news, I’ve read 4 books since then.

sad yeast roll lesson: even the warm oven in a 62 deg house doesn’t make for warm yeast rising. sighs all around.

making yeast refrigerator rolls for 2nd thanksgiving tomorrow for the 1st time ever. I hate waiting for things to cool before next steps.

Dinner done, pies sufficiently fawned over, kids asleep, @tinychoices post for tomorrow written, knitting out. THANKFUL. love!

We are so late to my dads house. How did it go fm 1030 to 1245 so fast?

Didja know my pie crusts are full of flakey layers? (@mikegrundy is surprised I didnt mention in my dating profile) http://yfrog.com/5d5qp0j

early prep of thanksgiving foods derailed after I remembered that green stuff also has cottage cheese in it, which I TOTALLY didn’t buy.

“giving in” and buying a subscription to @HellForLeather online moto magazine – my day job desk jockey experience is miserable without it.

I’m so cold right now: kneecaps are tingly. but! so warm here in NY compared to the west coast! but! we keep our house at 55 in the PM! brr.

need to find two recipes for thanksgiving (and 2nd thanksgiving): fresh pumpkins-into-pie, and capons. any favorite standbys?


did weights at home and alone for the first time and it is resolved: I miss Ginny and her awesome bootcamp of awesomeness!

it’s not fair that the earlier I get up, the more I do (run, crunch, laundry, bathroom clean) and the later I go to work.

wow, according to the @dailymile analytics my 5K speed today is my fastest pace in the last 12 mo! no WONDER it felt so hard.

Pickle on a stick at the rosendale pickle festival! http://yfrog.com/5mrh1tj

.@mikegrundy on nose-hairs: “We’ve been in here for 40 years, man! It’s time to get out and see the world!”

after lovely crafternoon @mikegrundy and I spent the evening reading and knitting on the couch. and then slept in. #wewillrockretirement

Had the geekiest crafternoon ever with awesome Ron and Caroline. They are so lovely to come over and make stuff with @mikegrundy and I!