Tag Archives: tweettweet

ok, wrangled some critical work tasks, now taking a break to hit the driveway. with a shovel. and elbow grease. which is not that melty.

Snow, dudes. Not sure how much yet as we haven’t started shoveling out. http://yfrog.com/h7pu0hj

now that we’re home safe, the new thing to worry on is this: can we get the boys through the snow to the circus tomorrow night?

frustration! trying to order fm either att OR apple store, but neither will ship it overnight or 2-day to me! snowstorm precludes mall trip!

now placing an order for new iphone 4, bc trusty iphone 3G giving up ghosts. bittersweet, but @mikegrundy excited to get 3G as a fancy ipod!

made it home in 4hrs instead of 2, we DID park at the bottom of the driveway and walk up. the kids are rockstars in the car on snowy roads!

Driving home fm Xmas in Grafton and the road just got bad at Catskill. 45 more miles to go and I bet we’ll be walking up our hilly driveway.

Turns out my phone is really broken in the “no signal detected” manner. I was eager for iPhone 4 but now that I must am having 2nd thoughts!

Here is last nights Julia Childs boeuff bourguinon. Thanks @fleishers for the beefiest beef! http://yfrog.com/gzpg1yj

We made beef bourgenion for dinner and it was so amazing we conked out on the couch…Only to wake at 1am for a solid 3hrs of wrapping. Eek!

trying to come to terms with ugly truth that little dudes will not get their xmas hats on xmas. should I wrap the yarn or finish and give?

day off! worked a couple of hours anyway, then half-heartedly cleaned up and read a whole book. tonight: door knob buying and hat knitting.

on the other hand, I haven’t even started the xmas hats for Seven or Eleven (and especially not for @mikegrundy). #successishard

so on the one hand, I picked up Seven before he was the last-kid-left at afterschool and made delicious surprise veg lasagna for dinner.

finally got the tree up and boy is it pretty. http://flic.kr/p/93vqHW

Heading into work I passed a blue Ver1 Honda Insight w a “start seeing motorcycles” bumpersticker and a funky young lady driving. #twinsies

Trying to talk myself into cleaning the kitchen and making breakfast, but @mikegrundy is adorably snoozing and it’s hard to get up.

Things that made @mikegrundy smile this morning: when Eleven said: “You’re a Grundy. Anything is possible!”

this morning I introduced the little dudes to the magic that is Elvis’ “It’s Christmas Time Pretty Baby” – I’m the mary poppins of stepmoms!

I’m pilot testing a Cr-48 and my major complaint is that the laptop doesn’t get hot w/ use. nice in summer, sure: but my lap is cold now!