Tag Archives: tweettweet

follow @nprscottsimon so you don’t miss the squee: “My wife has same bday as @ClevelandClinic! …she’s also world’s major heart center.”

Nice slow day with friends and leftover cornbread after chili party. I love our house, and I’m getting so spoiled by the cleanliness!

I love that @mikegrundy is reading The Long Winter to the boys at bedtime. We are with you @HalfPintIngalls!

Pebble beans fm @RanchoGordo, into the chili pot! (they grow in many colors! So pretty!) http://twitpic.com/43rmt5

We are making chili for the party tomorrow and it is all from scratch: home canned tomatoes, salsa, and @ranchogordo beans. I can’t wait!

it’s raining! and my first thought is: OH GOOD, my car was so dirty it was getting *crispy.* This will help!

in the last 24 hrs I’ve developed an excruciating neck cold. It is zero (count it!) zero fun.

mike and the boys were excited to screen for me “strange brew,” as I hadn’t seen it. I love that our dorky family finds that movie so funny!

Um. By gatling, I mean garlicy. I blame the sounds of Eleven playing a 1st person zombie shoot’em-up. Pickles ae GARLICY. guns are Gatling.

Just cracked open my first dill pickle attempt. And they are awesome! So Gatling and spicy!

Wind isn’t howling any more, it’s freight-training. I’m so glad the roofer is essentially done and we don’t have to worry about lift-off.

the wind is howling but we had delicious mexican lasagna for dinner, and looking forward to leftovers-rice pudding. I think we’ll make it.

Most sexist thing I say (all the time) has to be “I’ll be the dad today” as I take a seat at the head of a table. #gottastopit

I ate excessive amounts of yum pickled garlic last night w. unfortunate results today. Apologies to the dudes on the treadmills behind me.

Green Bay, I begrudge you not your superbowl win after this awesome statement! http://thinkprogress.org/2011/02/15/packers-support-workers/

I guess it’s times like this that I really miss having a television. Oh, to be watching the Westminster Kennel Club right now!

Green Bay, I begrudge you not your superbowl win after this awesome statement! http://thinkprogress.org/2011/02/15/packers-support-workers/

I could buy a paperback book on amazon for $7 or pay $10 for the kindle edition. Or I could request it from my library. #notsohardchoices

Tragedy! My awesome iPhone case interferes too much with the weak signal here on n. nj. But it’s so pretty! http://twitpic.com/3ztm31

me: no one knows WHO st valentine was! @mikegrundy: he massacred people! me: nuh-uh, no way! @mikegrundy: oh yeah, that was al capone.