Tag Archives: tweettweet

DUDE. just found out about a pinhole in my petcock vacuum line. that TOTALLY explains why my DRZ400 quit running with zero warning last yr!

Oh! Gotta find a show I can attend! “@Dolly_Parton: Knoxville, TN tickets NOW available for 7/17! NEW US tour dates! http://t.co/wRFomiE.”

started to run again this week! it’s not awful! also I felt very nostalgic for @ginnyd13 when I went past the park pre-dawn this morning.

laundry is in, dishes are ALL clean and I even scrubbed out insides of teapots – and I’m writing my @tinychoices post before bedtime! whoo!

at my annual physical they said I was 6′ tall. finally realized that she thinks 70″ = 6′ b/c 1 ft = 10 in, and 60″ = 5 ft. #unitsfail

tonight jack said: “it’s like daylight outside!” and we all ran outside for the special moon instead of tossing the kids straight into bed.

Really this is what I did today: suited up in hazmat gear and pulled large qtys of poison ivy from the yard: http://t.co/8FgOjvs

happiness is sitting on the couch next to @mikegrundy as he watches a charlie chaplin movie on the internet that constantly tickles him.

we bailed on sneaky faux-meat tacos with the boys tonight after Eleven’s baseball practice went long, and ended up at taco bell. #WinOrFail

Welcome! one of us! RT @paulabuzzard It is official. I am now American. Best part never having to deal with the INS again.

these before/after comparison aerials are amazing and terrible. oh, Japan. http://nyti.ms/dGFHYa

today is my 3 yr anniversary with @mikegrundy – on first date we shut down ikea, had cookies in his pickup, and ate disco fries. true love!

When you see an on-ramp full of cars stopped by a totally submerged roadway, it really drives home how fast flood waters can come up.

Got a new pitcher w recyclable filters to review and give away for @tinychoices – blogging is weird, yo! http://t.co/ck9NxlI

Asked my bro (IBEW) if he could get me pro-union stickers for my car, and he didn’t think they had any on hand. Suggestions? #supportunions

The Careless Language of Sexual Violence: “we also live in a time that necessitates the phrase “rape culture.”” http://t.co/xgo3aVD

It’s pouring and the drainpipe that gies past the conference room is so noisy. In that wonderful sleepifying white noise ways.

I can’t find my copy of “your $ or your life” but I admit I didn’t look too hard. Is it terribly moneyfoolish to buy a new (used) copy?

Thank goodness I had 30 min and not 15 for my presentation. I rang in at 35. Guess I have a lot to say about LEED! #maybeachatterbox

I’m at a conference 2 1/2 hrs away from home. I can’t wait until I’m going to conferences on my motorcycle. #warmweatherImissyou