Tag Archives: tweettweet

Little league tonight and then an over-tired 7 melted down 3 times pre-bed. He wrote his sorrows out and they're under his pillow sealed up. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Old helmet and new helmet. Still need to apply new sparkle tape, but Eeee! New helmet! http://t.co/MmvSYqK # Powered by Twitter Tools

Despite the power of the Internet I'm NOT a greenest new yorker finalist. Thanks for your support everyone! I appreciate your votes! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Gas today was $4.07. So glad I was filling up my motorcycle which gets almost 60 mpg! http://t.co/QweQgtk # Wines we like: the ones with ladies on bicycles on the label. http://t.co/2CE1hbG # Powered by Twitter Tools

Took the day off to go see my daddy-o in the hospital. He's doing great, all things considered! Rosy cheeks and a smile on his face, too. # Powered by Twitter Tools

My company has "better way to work" soon pushing alt transportation. Need to be a good booster this year, any ideas? # we spent a burgillion dollars today on new flip-up motorcyle helmets for @mikegrundy and myself. but it's our … Continue reading

I know I'm getting back in the moto-commute groove when 39dF temps are no deterrent but an excuse to try out my awesome wool balaclava. # Started today by nearly getting taken out by a lady in an SUV, ended … Continue reading

RT @HellForLeather Holy Crap. “NV now has 121,000 licensed motorcyclists, of which only 540 are under 21.”

Eleven is home sick this week with the flu. I’m working from home tomorrow to hang out and he’s really sweet: “it’s too lonely being sick!”

did NOT get up and run. DID get ready so I can get to work a titch early. did NOT get a good nights sleep. DO look forward to rest tonight.

he says he’s not searching for “shack” but @mikegrundy is finding some super cheap super small super shacky properties online in the woods.

home again and awfully tired after our brilliant trip away this weekend, and trying to decide if 30 deg. is too cold for a run in the AM.

Glenn Curtiss museum is a total A++. Good for airplane, motorcycle, and bike enthusiasts as well as big nerds. http://t.co/v4FKw5v

We had such a nice stay at Halcyon b&b in savona ny. Now to Keyuka lake! the only finger lake with a natural outlet to another finger lake!

For the record, I was fine. probably bc I had a good start with cereal, drank more tea, and ate fewer potato chips.

Eating this today made @mikegrundy sick: eggsbeansgreens herring toast peanutbutterhoney spicypotatochips icecream halvalah choc beefjerky.

dreaming up ultra fashionable and safe moto-outfit: skinny kevlar jeans, military style gogogear jacket, and strap on knee pads – safe?

rock on, 12-year-old who loves his library: http://www.ajc.com/news/dekalb/dekalb-library-to-stay-885065.html

today going on a romantical wkend trip: feels like it’s an epic voyage, not just a 3 hr drive to a weekend in Corning NY! #needmorevacations

mega-ultra-super-tired after a week of scrambly working hard and nothing accomplished (so far). back to the grind, gang. into the fray.