Tag Archives: tweettweet

Internet, I did it. I had to disassemble and redo it 2x and it took 2.5 hrs, but: I totally took it all apart! And it works now! Yay! # Here are the leftovers: shattered touch screen, and 3 leftover … Continue reading

wish me luck, internets! I'm about to take my iphone entirely apart so I can replace the very horribly smashed front glass. #YIKES # if you'd like to follow along, please pretend like I am as precise and nimble as … Continue reading

Playing bridge and tunnel commuter today for a long meeting at Cooper union. http://t.co/HQNG85w # Powered by Twitter Tools

the worst thing about motorcycling past an exploded deer on the highway isn't the gore, but the coppery smell of blood. #ohwereyoueating # Powered by Twitter Tools

today: finish work to-dos, support @mikegrundy w. last min. bike maintenance, repair iphone screen, ride to troy ny + avoiding hail storms. # Hail storm! http://t.co/OIbSuDe # historic thunderstorms in grundy county appropriate as @mikegrundy and I wait out hail … Continue reading

I'm at the mcycle shop waiting on repairs and an amazing guy brought in his electric bike and let us all ride it!!! http://t.co/1fyQnp8 # srsly, @hearstcorp? @popmech /cars/racing are *"men's* enthusiasms?!" http://bit.ly/k9kp6O make it stop, @pmjim! signed: lady enthusiast … Continue reading

y'all, why haven't I thought of eating sardine sandwiches before? these look so delicious! http://bit.ly/jrnEI3 and http://bit.ly/iMeWkd # Powered by Twitter Tools

our AMAZING temporary cat totally snagged a MOUSE, in our HOUSE. he gets all the leafy greens he wants from the CSA! high five, temp-kitteh! # Powered by Twitter Tools

clearly I'm nuts: I'm getting Temporary Cat gardening supplies so he can grow his own grass to nom on. http://sproutpeople.org/katgrass.html # Powered by Twitter Tools

hilariously, @mikegrundy just pointed out that all of my internet friends are either motorcyclists or crafters. #DichotomiesIHazYou # oh and also, it turns out that my knitting friend ALSO had a run in with the tree dude who ripped us … Continue reading

But I don't WANT to be the grownup right now and get over my hurt feelings! #arghKids # On my way to cut off all my hair! #beforepic http://t.co/jnZSXc0 # Afters! SUCH a huge change and I love it! http://t.co/4oWaXSM … Continue reading

TOTALLY backing them. hey! @craftivista look! RT @cameronp http://vimeo.com/23171460 best kickstarter video ever. (h/t) @paulabuzzard in reply to cameronp # the morning started so productively: why do I suddenly have only 15 min. to shower primp dress and dash? # … Continue reading

I dropped poor sparky iphone on a curb today and experienced an incredibly epic shattering of screen. sadface! http://flic.kr/p/9Pagts # nice fellow at ATT tells me I can wait a month and pay $550 for a new iphone, or pay … Continue reading

backyard camped at Joe Boo's in NH this weekend. last night coyotes and thunderstorms were noisy! but happily little dudes slept thru all. # Powered by Twitter Tools

this article about a mom denied a medically necessary abortion while she hemorrhaged for hours just *horrifies* me. http://bit.ly/m7wNUJ # Powered by Twitter Tools

In our home if it's not done no blame but an assurance of flakiness. RT @nytimesstyle: Who Writes Your Thank-You Notes? http://t.co/nBlJDAA # Powered by Twitter Tools

want to rebut coworker: ER visits aren't always instead of primary care, often advice of doc! http://bit.ly/jvRxLe #eavesdroppersneverwin # Powered by Twitter Tools

It feels like decades since I've been in the office! # Powered by Twitter Tools

home from the longest most coldest baseball game ever. it killed all will to complete sunday chores. #mondaywillbeamess # Powered by Twitter Tools

On our way to family bday party – they're so sweet and quiet when they're asleep: http://t.co/6eHDG78 # Powered by Twitter Tools