Tag Archives: tweettweet

dayjob irony: "[drafter,] don't accuse someone of being lazy when you're sitting at your desk reading the news instead of doing your job." # Powered by Twitter Tools

Waiting for train on leg 1 of my epic all-public-transportation-and-walking day that includes work and ladies night with the ladies! # Oh hai train: http://t.co/OJp8FhE # Walk through the woods to the office. Beware of spacy deer, giant poison ivy, … Continue reading

bowl of chocolate cake and milk for breakfast. this is best zucchini in chocolate cake ever: http://tinyurl.com/l3rptz – it tricked Twelve! # oy! borrowing against my 401(k) to pay for refi/closing costs. I'm thinking of it as the downpayment I … Continue reading

working from home today: auspiciously to provide little dudes with late afternoon supervision, but also have to clean for the cleaners. bah! # We have a bunch of thyme fm CSA – want to try infusing vodka. Anything else to … Continue reading

Just took break outside do I could screen iPhone text msg alerts without bugging cube neighbors. So nice out here, do not want indoors! # Powered by Twitter Tools

RT @MissAdventuring: You know that guy. Don't be that guy. http://t.co/zzYKIJX # not only do my painted finger nail and shoe color match, but they also match my travel mug and underpants. no worries: no photos. # hmmm was afraid … Continue reading

I woke up maybe 50 times last night [*may be slight exaggeration]. PERFECT PREPARATION FOR MY NINE HOUR MEETING TODAY. thanks, body! # Powered by Twitter Tools

got to sleep in with @mikegrundy and now we're each out to get a little exercise before motorcycling north to family bday party. #awesomeday # Is it still a lucky penny if I find it in the bathroom? http://t.co/sk53sj3 # … Continue reading

ugh, dropped the bike pulling into R+Js driveway tonight. broke off the end of the clutch lever. BOY is my knee glad I wear armored pants! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Hilarious encounter with road/roid rage brah on the highway: in a huge hurry but unable to read the traffic ahead of him. Slowpoke! Amateur! # last night peggy and I developed a whole new line of slashfic starring putin and … Continue reading

I'm trying to decide how many cherries will be a bad idea for breakfast. I have 2 lbs… # "I am a professional engineer! my signature means something!" – me to the credit union, on why I won't sign the … Continue reading

five most common iphone repairs – a little late for me (OH I HOPE NEVER AGAIN!) but this is great information: http://t.co/KtzoyWh # Powered by Twitter Tools

We are actually finally heading out for our camping overnight! http://t.co/EXqrEwJ # Powered by Twitter Tools

Feeling like a lazy bum about NOT riding to work today but the fact that we're brewing a thunderstorm at 630AM makes me feel a bit better. # great article on ravelry – seriously, one of the most comprehensive and … Continue reading

I use @Evernote every day to manage my dream travel plans with geotagged notes. #evernotefan http://t.co/SEMUU76 # Powered by Twitter Tools

“@GearChic: Posted this so late last night. RT @gearchic: 10 myths about #women and #motorcycles http://t.co/xV6f4Uw” # Powered by Twitter Tools

Checked out, box of laundry/swag mailed, and on my way to the airport. GA, here I come! # I wish we could go outside at airports and sample the local weather. Hello salt lake city! http://t.co/S8zilEU # I just put … Continue reading

"43% of college-ed women btwn ages 33-46 are childless" RT @nytimesstyle: Motherlode: Gen X Women Choose Work Over Kids? http://t.co/YGKG021 # Awesome! RT @suehle: How to teach the next generation of open source with Scratch: http://t.co/sovLqY5 Can't wait to get … Continue reading

someone told me the elevation change is disastrous for me: I'm not totally out of shape, my run this morning was just an altitude issue. # Oh Man, super rude fortune cookie: http://t.co/QPNlhm5 # Powered by Twitter Tools

In Reno for conf and burning candle at both ends. So tired, so busy, kinda stressed. This view is best part of today. http://t.co/3OYE8Yn # Powered by Twitter Tools