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  • our AMAZING temporary cat totally snagged a MOUSE, in our HOUSE. he gets all the leafy greens he wants from the CSA! high five, temp-kitteh! #

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Vehicles who have tried to “off” me.

This isn’t something I like to talk about, because, well, I don’t want my parents to freak out about my very dangerous motorcycling habit, or my sweetheart to worry when I’m a few minutes later than he expects on my commute home. But after a lovely two years of scott-free motorcycling, so far this season at least THREE vehicles have tried to off me. (I say at least because these are just the ones I noticed! there could have been more-subtle vehicles out there!)

  • 4/19/11. A lady in some kind of fancy cross-over SUV during the morning commute who tried to merge directly into me as I rode in the left-most lane of the I-87/I-287 merge on my way to work. My response: lean on the horn until the apparatus swiveled around the handlebars. Hers: TOTAL chagrin and remorse. WAKE UP.
  • 6/2/11. Someone (gender undetermined) in a small older-model sedan who tried to merge into me as I rode in the left lane of the fly-over ramp between NJ Rt 17 and I-87.  My response: horn, but it’s still kind of loose so not effective. Theirs: not sure, it was dark out.
  • 6/6/11. A huge jerk of a dude ON THE PHONE in an older minivan who tried to merge into me as I rode in the left-most lane of NJ Rt-17. ON THE PHONE.  ON THE PHONE!!! My response: evasive maneuvers and, for the first time EVER, a sincere flipping of the bird. His response: to give me a 4-car length lead.  (For the record this is the first time I have genuinely wondered if kicking a drivers side mirror would cause me to be flung from the motorcycle.)

View VehiclesVSKari in a larger map

There is an interesting trend – note the vicinity in which I have had these problems – they’re all within 3 miles of each other. Granted, these are tricky roads and I do try to ride aggressively and pay attention to my position in my lane to avoid being squashed (and to give me a little room to run away and evasively maneuver) but there also may be a heightened level of jerkitude and hurry-up-ed-ness in this general area as well that makes people less likely to drive safely.

So I thought maybe I’d better keep track of it. with GRAPHS. Because I’m a huge nerd.

(If I were a better nerd I could figure out how to make google documents plot with two y-axes.)

Hopefully this will mean I never again need to worry about being offed – just like I never documented any more fish sandwiches or sardines once I set up those categories. Hopefully!

  • hilariously, @mikegrundy just pointed out that all of my internet friends are either motorcyclists or crafters. #DichotomiesIHazYou #
  • oh and also, it turns out that my knitting friend ALSO had a run in with the tree dude who ripped us off last year! #smallworldforcreeps #

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  • I dropped poor sparky iphone on a curb today and experienced an incredibly epic shattering of screen. sadface! http://flic.kr/p/9Pagts #
  • nice fellow at ATT tells me I can wait a month and pay $550 for a new iphone, or pay $750 now. Or I could do this: http://bit.ly/lVhhex #

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  • backyard camped at Joe Boo's in NH this weekend. last night coyotes and thunderstorms were noisy! but happily little dudes slept thru all. #

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  • this article about a mom denied a medically necessary abortion while she hemorrhaged for hours just *horrifies* me. http://bit.ly/m7wNUJ #

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Tip Grundzilla goes to the circus


It’s intermission at the big apple circus and the show is just BRILLIANT. Totally silly, and I don’t know who is laughing harder: Mike or Twelve!

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Dirt in my bars

I pulled the bike out this morning to rode to work and as the thumper shook the spiders out if their hiding places (and I carefully picked them out and placed them on nearby trees) I noticed something:


Hey, is that DIRT in my bars?!

And then I remembered how we got home so late from our trip a week ago, and I slowly pulled into our driveway, and then stopped short, and then tipped over. I landed on the grass next to the driveway and was totally fine, and for some reason I never thought to check the bike.

  • It feels like decades since I've been in the office! #

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Strange Brew and Easter Bunnies

Mister Seven and I are at home tonight while Mike and Twelve are at scouts. I asked Seven what he wanted to do tonight and he chose watching Strange Brew until bedtime.


And what could go better with a movie than a chocolate bunny from Easter? (you have no idea how hard it was to not eat the bunnies.)

(and also, both Seven and Twelve love Strange Brew! It’s one of the most hilarious things about them.)

  • home from the longest most coldest baseball game ever. it killed all will to complete sunday chores. #mondaywillbeamess #

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  • On our way to family bday party – they're so sweet and quiet when they're asleep: http://t.co/6eHDG78 #

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