San Diego

I’m in San Diego for a conference this week. Holy cow, southern California is a crazy place. It’s warm and sunny and clearly the most pleasant place to be in February.


I went for a run down to the beach in La Jolla this morning. It was beautiful. You know, I’d I lived here I would probably be active every day. PROBABLY. I would hope!

I would also ride my motorcycle every day! It’s 70 degrees and sunny every day this week with a low in the mid 40s. Magical. And there are still so many people in cars. What’s up with that, San Diego? Is there a motorcycle eating monster or a daily dust storm or something?

I’m already secretly planning a trip back out here some cold northeastern wintertime. It’ll include motorcycle rentals, toes in the chilly Pacific, and my sweetheart.

I’m blogging a photo a day for the month of February. You should too! #29in29

  • Good morning from San Diego! #
  • "Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly" is now my favorite insect name. #
  • I watched 5+ hrs of TV on the plane last night and this is what I have to show for it: #mittens #
  • I've been in San Diego for 19 hours and I don't get why 90% of cars drivers aren't on motorcycles. Is there a daily dust storm #orsomething #

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This is my glamorous travel methodology

It turns out that when you’ve got a cool. 6 1/2 hours ahead of you and a TV in the seat in front if you, you can get a lot of knitting done.


  • Cast on for @mikegrundy's octopus mittens and despite using heavier wt yarn I still had to go down 2 needle sizes! #
  • Today we ate all of the saddening greens from the crisper. #sodelicious #
  • aaah now I have to get ready for bed while distractedly throwing the things I need for my biztrip to san diego into a pile for AM packing. #

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  • Blocking a shawl that was meant as gramma's xmas gift and is now perfect for valentines day. (don't tell her, y'all!) #
  • whoa. Hey @mikegrundy she is just a little older than you! #goodgenes “@doorsixteen: Um. Callista Gingrich was born in 1966? Not 1946? Wow.” #

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Past Cooper Logos/Identities/Letterheads

Cooper UnionCooper Logo 1959PC Profile Logo Annual Report_1894PC Profile Logo 1950sCooper Union Script LogoCecere
culogoMedal 1909 Line DrawingLogocooper_idPeter Cooper on Graduation Program 1982embossed Peter Cooper seal on diploma 1982
Cooper Union LogoCooper Union Logo
  • I just got a really nice complement – everyone can *hear me* when I speak, no matter their age, gender, and intent. wow! #

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  • That moment when you realize your underpants and leggings are not cooperating and you have to choose between them. #

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  • That time we had to explain to Twelve that when we call motorcyclists jerks its bc we are so so very jealous they are out riding. #uglytruth #

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  • Getting our new natural gas furnace tomorrow, and I think we JUST NOW ran out of fuel oil. This is a good thing – less to dispose! No waste! #
  • Yes, heat out. Props to @mikegrundy who is practicing his cold-weather gear in the 52deg house in prep for scout winter camping next week! #
  • All women should read this article. ALL Y'ALL. "They should be pointing straight ahead like laser beams." #

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  • And! I'm out the door to work, a mere 15 min late. Not bad for home at 1:45, up at 7. #freecooper is so worth it! Last night was amazing. #

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  • getting set up for #freecooper session! still mingling and milling around. google+ invites out now – if you weren't on the list let me know! #
  • we are just getting started on the first session. google hangout is giving us a hard time. sorry remote attendees! #freecooper #

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So THAT’S what a titled frame is worth?

I just didn’t know they were worth so much.

And really, what MIGHT be a back wheel?


Suzuki 550

“1978.. It ran fine last year but now the key is missing.”



Everything about this ad screams “NOT MINE.”

Seriously – is this photo taken over the neighbors fence? Because this ad does not fill me with confidence that it’s being sold by the legal owner.

“i have a good running bike that needs a little tlc one rear signal light needs put on missing 4 little round cam covers just cosmetic also needs carbs cleaned as its hard starting but runs great once running second gear slips out needs sincro adjusted also could use a fresh battery it will take a jump start but wont start bike with out chargeing it first im not stupid if i do the work i can get 1500 but i need money now so the first person to come up with $500.00 gets the bike with clean title”

1978 Suzuki GS550

I’m starting a new thing. I keep doing searches on craigslist for old motorcycles to rebuild, and seriously, some of these are super priceless.

For example, this one:

The bike is clean only thing is passenger mirror is broken cause it fell over while sitting. I know I have a title somewhere but can’t seem to find it. It ran fine but I took the carbs off to rebuild and I haven’t even tried to get them back on. I was gonna chop it up to use for a go kart but I’m sick of looking at it please get this thing out of my driveway. I didn’t take a pic so just look one up