• This is amazing. http://t.co/DD8QULa2 #
  • “@mikegrundy: Just so we're all clear about this: I am a feminist.” man of my dreams. #
  • Hey did I mention my dentist appt yesterday? Two fillings replaced w no novacaine and then went back to work. #hardcore #benicetome #tuffguy #

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  • Happy International Women's Day, y'all. If you're not sure why this is necessary: http://t.co/tM2Gdv6b Heck, read it even if you ARE sure. #
  • Women who work in architecture & engineering occupations make 80 cents to the dollar men earn #NarrowTheGap http://t.co/zLy73MQx #

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International Woman’s Day

In honor of international woman’s day, I rode my motorcycle to work.

Ok, so, not at all in honor of that. It was gorgeous out, and I rode to work. And then I worked super late – potentially earning 80 cents to the dollar compared to men (though at my firm I am doing pretty well, honestly) – and when I left the parking lot was pitch black and the wind was just kicking up.


But in honor of international women’s day, let me say: read this. If you are a lady on a motorcycle, you probably know what it’s like to strive for equality – be it on the showroom floor as sales dudes try to sell to the man you’re with, at the shop when a mechanic talks down to you, or when you try to find well fitting and safe gear. And those are just small ways. Around the world there are many many ways women are unequal. Its harmful for everyone, too, not just the women themselves. Let’s ALL work towards equality – both men and women.

Y’all, my library accepts PAYPAL!

I went online today to renew a book that was very nearly overdue and discovered that y’all: My library accepts PAYPAL!

I am historically TERRIBLE at returning books on time to the library. Sometimes I’m just lazy, sometimes I’m selfish and hang onto books  I haven’t even started for an extra week so I have a chance to read them. I imagine that my local librarians ruefully appreciate my tiny donations to their budget while trying to manage their frustration at my book hoarding.

I’m excited that I can pay off my fines in this faceless way – I don’t have to feel so apologetic, or struggle with that weird feeling of justification that it’s ok, it’s FUNDING THE LIBRARY. But first I think I’d better check with my local librarian to see if they see this paypal money or if I’m better off handing them the cold hard cash directly.


  • “@ActuallyNPH: That Kirk Cameron is hilarious!” #
  • Redheads are some wacky folks, yo. oh wait! http://t.co/eukjRD5X (I've been telling drs this for AGES!) #

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  • after lying in bed all day yesterday and then getting another 10 hours of sleep last night, I feel STRANGELY JUMPY. #isthiswellrested #

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  • “@eliza_evans: I take birth control for health reasons but focusing on that is wrong. Women shld get meds w/out having to pass purity test” #
  • Finally got a chance to read a book in one go this year. May I recommend The Inheritance Trilogy by NK Jemisin? They are so darn good. #

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Geraniums may depress kittehs

Our temporary cat has been eating all out geraniums. He left them alone for months! But has recently discovered them.

He has also been moping around moreso than usual. Even more corners are say in and mewed at.

Thursday I checked Dr Internet and determined that geraniums are toxic to cats – and worse! – a symptom of ingestion is depression. So I called Mike right away and asked him to move all the plants that Book eats to the laundry room. Today he took things a step further: he put up the shelf we’ve had for years and cleaned the room. It’s amazing in there now! These plants will thrive.


  • Day 29: This will be the weirdest post for (perhaps every) February! http://t.co/X8rGIlSn #29in29 and hard to believe it's over! #
  • oh my gracious, y'all RUN don't walk over to this post and make me some french macarons! http://t.co/FVorp1cs #
  • It makes me INSANE that a 30 min podcast is 40MB. There're no pictures! People gear w crappy headphones! Practice conservation, podcasters! #

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Strange footprints


I found some strange tracks near my car this morning. The Internet tells me they are squirrel: five fingers in the back, four in the front.

As I took this photo Twelve was walking down to the bus stop and asked me what I was photoing… When I told him “crazy footprints” he didn’t even want to look, and shrugged his way down the driveway leaving the impression that he’d only asked me because, clearly, he is Twelve. Duh.

This will be the weirdest post for (perhaps every) February

I learned today that it’s “traditionally acceptable” for women to ask men to marry them during a leap year. Clearly, with my egalitarian ideals I have heretofore missed out on untold opportunities to ask men to marry me. (well, at least 8 opportunities. I’m just 34 years old.) I also learned that it’s traditional in Denmark to compensate the spurned lady with 12 pairs of gloves if you reject her.

Tonight Mike and I had A Big Talk.

Me: so it’s leap year. will you….?

Mike: Funny you should ask, I just found a big box of gloves.

Me: GOOD. it will help you to STAUNCH THE BLEEDING.

(we do love each other very much. clearly. and on that big day, we’re totally giving this song a prominent position in all festivities:)

Here concludes the Fuzzygalore 29 in 29 challenge! I think it went rather well, what do you think?

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Online Eyeglasses

I’ve been shopping around for online eyeglasses, and have plummeted down the Warby Parker rabbit hole. I also ordered three pairs for about $40 from Zenni Optical. They just shipped, and should arrive this week.

I have worn hard lenses (rigid gas permeable) since I was 19 years old, in college, wearing my soft lenses for two years straight and for 20 hours a day. Remember when insurance companies would only buy you one pair of lenses – glasses OR soft contacts – every two years? I had a problem with protein deposits and my corneas became slightly misshapen, and I was put into RGP lenses by an eye doctor who affirmed I was too irresponsible to care for soft lenses.

The thing is, RGP lenses corrected my eyes AMAZINGLY. I had the clearest and most wonderful vision with them! I could wear them all day and most of the night! And I didn’t have to get new ones unless the old ones broke – in the last 15 years I’ve only had 4 pairs of lenses! and now I’m wearing soft lenses and they make my eyes itch after about 15 hours, and they aren’t as sharply corrective, and they are so very wasteful. I miss my hard lenses. So I am compensating with lots of pretty glasses, for those days when I just can’t get these big soft pieces of plastic into my eyes.

For reference, these are my old glasses:


I’m blogging a photo a day for the month of February. There’s only one day left! #29in29

Eating in the car


I try not to eat in the car, but when I leave work (early) at 4pm and drive to three hours of meetings, well, sometimes you have to eat an apple and a handful of almonds for fortification.

I’m blogging a photo a day for the month of February. You should too! #29in29

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My sorta-cold weather gear


After getting to ride in to work last week in high-30s/low-40s, I thought maybe a post about my sorta-cold weather gear would be interesting. This is a terrible photo, but it shows my Fieldsheer Lena jacket and my Tourmaster Quest pants.

The jacket is water resistant and has a quilted liner, and it cinches nicely around the arms and the waist. I got it particularly because the arms are super long – and I am super tall. I have an inch or so at the bottom of the sleeves in extra fabric, which is such huge luxury on a motorcycle. However, last week I realized that perhaps as a function of me being so tall: the bottom of the jacket lets in a draft that hits me right on the belly button. I think I need an insulating cummerbund to keep my stomach warm.

The Quest pants were a deep discount purchase when I needed a pair of new pants last spring (after the bottom of my previous pants split. Embarrassing!). They have an integrated waterproof liner,  so they are generally too warm in any kind of heat. If I wear them at work any longer than necessary once I get to the office, my legs get sweaty and clammy. They work fairly well in the cold to keep the wind off of my legs.

Under these two things I generally wear wool long underwear. I have Icebreaker leggings and some other wool gear from sierra trading post. I wear a long sleeved light weight wool shirt and a thin-but-warm Icebreaker sweater on top.

I also wear a turtle fur neckwarmer (which I’ve had since middle school – over 12 years ago!), and have a wool balaclava but haven’t worn it yet.


Hands are the hard part. I have a pair of Rev-It Unix H2O gloves which are more warm than any other gloves I own, but still not warm enough. After about 25 or 30 minutes my fingers get cold and tingly, and my commute is 1 hour long. These gloves are womens’ sized, too, and they’re awfully tight – I’m not sure if I’d be able to get a liner in with my hands.

Tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful day, but about 27 degF when I leave for work and I have a meeting late at night, so I wouldn’t be heading back home until long after dark. I just don’t think I’ve got the ability to do this on the motorcycle. Sadly! Long term, I plan to get some hippo hands and heated grips – but that just wasn’t in the cards for us this month.

What’s your cold weather kit? do you have a temperature threshold?

I’m blogging a photo a day for the month of February. You should too! #29in29

Thirteen for dinner


We went up in the capital district for my Nieces 5th birthday party, and then we all went up to my dads house for big family dinner. My dad is out of town but we made ourselves at home. The little kids had a super time – all six of them! They are currently sacked out in a giant sleepover. It’s pretty great.

  • This is a tremendous piece: Save The Cooper Union without losing its identity http://t.co/OG8mEADt #
  • Temporary kitty has this annoying habit of walking away from our skritches and then meowing pathetically. He is SUCH an emo teen. #
  • Day 24: surprise snow. http://t.co/SKWK5gcy #29in29 #

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Surprise Snow


We woke up today to a surprise 3ish inches of snow. It was beautiful! But a HUGE surprise after our last couple of 50 degF days.


I was working at home anyway because of a car maintenance appt. Temporary Kitty tried to help me out.

I’m blogging a photo a day for the month of February. You should too! #29in29

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