Yay. Can’t come soon enough! http://t.co/eOkFpV3X5X


mikegrundy proving practice makes perfect. vine.co/v/hMmeIqjw0h2

“Mourning has no timetable. Grief isn’t the same for everyone. It does not always go away.” The Trauma of Being Alive nyti.ms/15pZOiy

Larnin’ spellin’ with mikegrundy fer Jack Grundy vine.co/v/hhVZTgDx6rV

Grundzilla boys Jack Grundy and mikegrundy vine.co/v/hh9BFl7avmZ

Tracker pulling by Jack Grundy vine.co/v/hhElp79jxep

Harmonica club with Ten. http://t.co/zBj5dJDJ1V


So good – @daniellesteel on men uncomfortable with successful women. “Why are we not just in the kitchen cooking?” daniellesteel.net/blog/2013/08/a…

great self-defense story for ALL women, and particularly at-risk populations this morning on WNYC wnyc.org/articles/wnyc-…

Nice hair, reflection of me just back from running for first time in ages. http://t.co/ikuxxJ6c6d


1st actual fortune cookie fortune (as opposed to pithy proverb) I’ve gotten in a while, and it’s brilliant. http://t.co/lZDySrLELY


Reasons I love the @ACLU – pocket constitutions in the mail, not return address stickers. http://t.co/dvUbxie3ti


Fit tests at work today. #fancy #ladyengineer http://t.co/zSKCiUfaSc


PM protip: celebrate completion of project milestones w ice cream cake with a photo of your remediation site on top. flic.kr/p/fkmwLB

Oh hai summer cold. You’re the pits.

Know what’s great? This guy. And family and nutty kids. And this guy. http://t.co/Gj65HfdHb1


Beautiful day swimming and boating. So super! Feels like first day of summer – I’ve been too busy this year. http://t.co/ZOsN7ISmdO


I promise, he’s totally happy after his week at awesome camp. http://t.co/1Sa0XIwcEz


“Sounds like an elaborate process.” The last 1minute of this piece describes the kind of remediation I’m working on. m.npr.org/programs/all/3…

“For all you can hold in your cold dead hand is what you have given away.” Joaquin Miller 1883 bartleby.com/297/182.html http://t.co/nESnpadt7G