we’re playing this track bc it features extensive vamping, busy horn section, aggressive female vocalist, prominent percussion…#ohpandora

after the truly disturbing Roanoke shootings, here’s this, from December 2012. youtube.com/watch?v=64G5Ff…. Can we just *start* to talk? Please?

Tip Grundzilla: established 2008, incorporated 2012. Happy 3rd anniversary @mikegrundy! http://t.co/VXZpi9Lch2


This little guy + @mikegrundy made my car 150% more respectable yesterday w new headlights. Thanks lucky toad + mike! http://t.co/B4uAmEl2nF


In yr industrial sites cleaning up yr hazardous waste. #ILookLikeAnEngineer http://t.co/bVcQRA9aAG


This kid is serious about crabs. http://t.co/e1KjFyXt1Q


Drive in date night with foot long hot dogs. #romance http://t.co/4sMwsix4nP


Bad news, sports fans who prefer shoes with minimal support. yahoo.com/style/converse…

Just ran 2 miles in 17:48, which means I just ran my first sub-9 minute mile! Twice! In a row! So excite!

Love. I’m exactly as healthy now at “normal wt” as I was 30 lbs heavier. Fitness/health isn’t one size fits. runnersworld.com/runners-storie…

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…. http://t.co/S1d9geoELH


This incredible ramen is brought to me by @libskim and this thing she posted coupla weeks ago tastingtable.tv/features/15545/ http://t.co/DLBm9tke1Y


final count: 7,800 jumping jacks. I have blisters on my pinky toes and bruises under my sports bra. Amazing quidditch game. @NerdFitness

So long story, but I’m playing this ridic/awesome game of “fitness quidditch” and I just finished 2201 jumping jacks for today. @NerdFitness

That time you needed 50 cal to hit a fitbit adj so you went up and down the stairs 7x and hulahooped for 5 min to see what would happen.

I wouldn’t call myself an introvert but this piece is causing me to totally rethink how I use social media. wnyc.org/story/quiet-sp…

Someone’s got the right to do list for Sun. PM. Me, I’m procrastinating on a run AND canning jam + pickles. http://t.co/VsC6oQLpES


Sleepy kitters is done. Happy to be home fm 2-wks at kitty camp while we motorcycled around the Great Lakes. http://t.co/DWuxTvcOdE


Happy Father’s Day, @mikegrundy ❤️ http://t.co/TMnuz436rL


This Meep has been having a rough evening w. thunder, flea treatment. really she just wants to be near us. http://t.co/JFpg175PXf