Category Archives: twitter

Civilized breakfast – (decaf) tea and crumpets for Eleven.

Amazing black velvet horse bodes well for quality of my amazing tex-mex lunch.


By the time I skidded down icy steps + across sheet of glass driveway to my car I knew I had to go to work: would never make it back inside.

Best takeaway from tonight. #pithy

1 hr to go in 5 hr dinner+conf hosted by group suggesting one ride coattails of casino approval, develop the heck out of this county. #4PDHs

Yesterday I spent most of the day w niece Fiona, who shares my sartorial sensibilities.

Snow days: when we learn what Ella Olga Babygoat Torturekitty Murderclaws really does while we’re at work.

I am so implementing Fran’s 10-min knitting rule. Gotta put some knitting by the bed.… via

Todays conflicted feelings: when you drop your kid at the bus stop in 0°F and all the others kids are waiting in their parents cars.

Balanced meal.

Would @emceedennis forgive my velveeta pimento cheese if I told her I made it w the @brdgtc wedding peppers?

Sorta wish I could attack house repairs and upkeep with the same ferocity and dedication I did rehabbing my ACL.

I was thinking maybe I should start taking a pic a day and see how long I last.

Sunday morning w Ella Olga Babygoat Torturekitty Murderclaws all snugs. Love our weird inconsistent cat.

That time you rang in the year w eyestrain bc you had to watch 21 prof dev hours for cert maintenance in a car at night while traveling.

Knitting with Noro for the first time and I now totally understand why everyone is nuts over it. So pretty!

Tip Grundzilla decided to stop in Niagara Falls on the way home from New Years in Ohio. Hello 2015!

Who’s got two replacement cadaver ACLs of varying vintage and a 6-month post-op drs visit today? THIS GIRL!

Excellent: female characters =/= niche. RT @nkjemisin: Lack of Female Characters is Always a Choice:… And a lazy one.