Category Archives: daily

CUAA council, did you know the council meeting next week is postponed? Me neither, until I read the newsletter. #karinaforsecretary

Both @mikegrundy and I hit 2016 PRs in today’s 5k!

Great idea for @LastCons stage costumes!!! @mikegrundy @NickB67 RT @NekoCase: Nite, ch’all

That time at dinner that @mikegrundy realized he was in a goth metal band. #implode

Last night at @NekoCase show I told @mikegrundy it’s cool if he fell a little in love with her BC I sure am. Amazing show. #redheadsforneko

found myself leaking tears, exhausted on the floor at SFO. After fish sandwich back to myself. The hangry is real.

The very shape of LA feels so different on my east coast eyes. This business trip junk is too fast, I need to come back for a longer stay.

SO pleased + happy for @iamlisako on her award of the 2016 PEN/Bellwether Award for Socially Engaged Fiction.…

4:40AM: after removing the (live) mouse Ella brought us @mikegrundy said “maybe she heard me badmouthing her to @brdgtc.” Aw! #mightyhunter

2 years ago I paid $800 for my 94 civic. Today at 275,399 mi; except reg. maint., have spent addtl $1500. Huge win.

Gorgeous world where same person wrote my fav movies (Babe | Mad Max Fury Road). Director George Miller on Fresh Air

Daily rush hour traffic jam leaving VA hospital in Albany NY demands a sign: “Support veterans. Don’t jump the yellow/don’t block the box.”

these are SO AMAZING! super nice, @Stitcharama! Japanese Kogin Embroidery Coaster Kit…

shout-out to pittsburgh, duluth, and other towns I’ve known and loved: How America is Putting Itselve Back Together?…

Dinner out with @mikegrundy: “iron maiden got 99 problems but *generally,* sexism isn’t one if them.”

Waking up w sweethearts. Ella Olga Babygoat Torturekitty Murderclaws slept on me all night. Love? cold kitten feet?

things I wish I was better at having and wearing consistently: red lipstick, a signature perfume scent (or several), earrings.

When I met @mikegrundy he knew I liked robots and kittens but found robot kittens creepy. Confirmed: “Robo Kitty”

building dance party mix for Twelve and I to practice free-styling. Seeded a pandora station w skrillix. Parenting win? #moardroppls

Maybe I’ll finish this mitten during Twelve’s hip hop show auditions…