Category Archives: daily

woke up feeling extra crummy and with full schedule and strong desire to motorcycle to work. annoying illness. # Powered by Twitter Tools

RT @neiltyson "Venus's 900deg air would cook a 16in pepperoni pizza in 9sec & vaporize you. RunawayGreenhouse: Good for pizza. Bad for life" in reply to neiltyson # Powered by Twitter Tools

Per chili tree removal, as is traditional. # Teamwork! Ben and @mikegrundy # Powered by Twitter Tools

Fairly sure I'm the only one who watches the weather channel at the gym. # “@FriendsofCooper: 2nd-ever Community Summit! Keep Cooper Free, Keep Cooper Wild via @FriendsofCooper” # I found a chiropractor and an acupuncturist super close to my … Continue reading

“@doorsixteen: 100% accurate. '12 Problems That Only Busty Girls Have': (via @verhext)” YES. ugh. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Went to the gym for a run for the first time since, like, October. It was way not as bad as I was afraid it would be. #newleafturnedover # frustrated using runkeeper/dailymile. Any reviews/users of runmeter gps for the iphone? … Continue reading

Oh geez, this is Eights' west coast twinsie! # I think I'll go to the gym for a run tomorrow. It's either that or stop eating leftover easter candy. #adultdecisions # “RT @nonpromqueen: "NO SORRY, SANTORUM, YOU MUST CARRY … Continue reading

Remember that time I woke up at 430 AM because the wind sounded like a freight train coming up our driveway? #lastnight # Ashley Judd, I heart you and your awesome use of "feminist" and "heteronormative" # Powered by … Continue reading

So what's up with all the fire dept calls near our house the week @mikegrundy is back active w the VFD? #watchingfromfrontporch # BMI only 75% accurate! “@WNYC: BMI Is Flabby Measure of Obesity, Study Shows. @Fredmogul reports” # … Continue reading

Hard to get up on a Fri. Harder still when a sweet temporary kitty lies down next to your pillow and starts purring. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Hey girl, watch out! # Powered by Twitter Tools

I feel like I totally wimped out bc I didn't ride the mcycle in today but I don't have the fortitude to deal w cold hands today. #35degF # Powered by Twitter Tools

On his way to work today: @mikegrundy on first day of new job! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Last day at home before he starts his new job and @mikegrundy decided to make doughnuts! # Powered by Twitter Tools

geez, I'd hate to see my potential BMI if I DIDN'T eat all the choc! “@sciam: Frequent Chocolate Eaters Have Lower BMI” # Delivering the rainbows! # Temporary cat has caught another mouse. 2 in 2 days! #mightyhunter … Continue reading

It's OSHA physical time, everybody! Let's see how long I have to wait this time… The are already 15 min late. # 35 min late in to the appt but then so fast. Am pretty sure they skipped the range … Continue reading

“@FriendsofCooper: Have an idea to save Cooper Union? Submit it to Friends of Cooper Union: via @FriendsofCooper” # Drinking a cup of scalding hot tea after a horribly cold and windy ride home from work. Like: 35degF? And 30ish … Continue reading

“@randomdeanna: For those who think I rant about the patriarchy and misogyny too much.” um, YES. All of this. # Loving central PA – @mikegrundy and I hopped off of Rts 22/99/80 onto Rt 45 east today – beautiful … Continue reading

Erik LOVED the cloud room at the Warhol. (this photo bombing stranger did too.) # Powered by Twitter Tools

We found kind if an amazing Mexican restaurant off of rt 80 in Conyngham PA. # Powered by Twitter Tools