I am very tall. I have bright red hair. I have a black belt in tae kwon do. I knit. I try to spin my own yarn. I read voraciously and indiscriminately. I have a sewing machine, and I constantly plot the making of my own clothes. I like foods that go with red wine. The red wine is coincidental: I also like gin, the drink of washed up movie stars, and margaritas, the drink of pretending either that it is summer, or that what you do tonight won't matter in the morning. I am a motorcycle enthusiast, and I am plotting a carb breakdown to get my bike back on the road. I am a nerdy kind of girl but one with a goal to throw dinner parties wearing aprons and to keep jars of fresh flowers around my home.March 2025 M T W T F S S « Nov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Categories
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Category Archives: daily
woke up feeling extra crummy and with full schedule and strong desire to motorcycle to work. annoying illness. # Powered by Twitter Tools
RT @neiltyson "Venus's 900deg air would cook a 16in pepperoni pizza in 9sec & vaporize you. RunawayGreenhouse: Good for pizza. Bad for life" in reply to neiltyson # Powered by Twitter Tools
Per chili tree removal, as is traditional. http://t.co/DxkIBB8j # Teamwork! Ben and @mikegrundy http://t.co/a55SR9n0 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Fairly sure I'm the only one who watches the weather channel at the gym. # “@FriendsofCooper: 2nd-ever Community Summit! Keep Cooper Free, Keep Cooper Wild http://t.co/eePRy8KY via @FriendsofCooper†# I found a chiropractor and an acupuncturist super close to my … Continue reading
“@doorsixteen: 100% accurate. '12 Problems That Only Busty Girls Have': http://t.co/WwWegCXD (via @verhext)†YES. ugh. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Went to the gym for a run for the first time since, like, October. It was way not as bad as I was afraid it would be. #newleafturnedover # frustrated using runkeeper/dailymile. Any reviews/users of runmeter gps for the iphone? … Continue reading
Oh geez, this is Eights' west coast twinsie! http://t.co/u9p9yHTq # I think I'll go to the gym for a run tomorrow. It's either that or stop eating leftover easter candy. #adultdecisions # “RT @nonpromqueen: "NO SORRY, SANTORUM, YOU MUST CARRY … Continue reading
Remember that time I woke up at 430 AM because the wind sounded like a freight train coming up our driveway? #lastnight # Ashley Judd, I heart you and your awesome use of "feminist" and "heteronormative" http://t.co/eRp85F0H # Powered by … Continue reading
So what's up with all the fire dept calls near our house the week @mikegrundy is back active w the VFD? #watchingfromfrontporch # BMI only 75% accurate! “@WNYC: BMI Is Flabby Measure of Obesity, Study Shows. @Fredmogul reports http://t.co/WGRH1fED†# … Continue reading
Hard to get up on a Fri. Harder still when a sweet temporary kitty lies down next to your pillow and starts purring. http://t.co/6xMar8T5 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Hey girl, watch out! http://t.co/UVBy2FSJ # Powered by Twitter Tools
I feel like I totally wimped out bc I didn't ride the mcycle in today but I don't have the fortitude to deal w cold hands today. #35degF # Powered by Twitter Tools
On his way to work today: @mikegrundy on first day of new job! http://t.co/SGP5jPRC # Powered by Twitter Tools
Last day at home before he starts his new job and @mikegrundy decided to make doughnuts! http://t.co/lSMCGNE2 # Powered by Twitter Tools
geez, I'd hate to see my potential BMI if I DIDN'T eat all the choc! “@sciam: Frequent Chocolate Eaters Have Lower BMI http://t.co/JaEn6tMH†# Delivering the rainbows! http://t.co/RTCS78aE # Temporary cat has caught another mouse. 2 in 2 days! #mightyhunter … Continue reading
It's OSHA physical time, everybody! Let's see how long I have to wait this time… The are already 15 min late. # 35 min late in to the appt but then so fast. Am pretty sure they skipped the range … Continue reading
“@FriendsofCooper: Have an idea to save Cooper Union? Submit it to Friends of Cooper Union: http://t.co/wYrdwNYm via @FriendsofCooper†# Drinking a cup of scalding hot tea after a horribly cold and windy ride home from work. Like: 35degF? And 30ish … Continue reading
“@randomdeanna: For those who think I rant about the patriarchy and misogyny too much. http://t.co/K93b3L9d†um, YES. All of this. # Loving central PA – @mikegrundy and I hopped off of Rts 22/99/80 onto Rt 45 east today – beautiful … Continue reading
Erik LOVED the cloud room at the Warhol. (this photo bombing stranger did too.) http://t.co/DoUfJ0Dv # Powered by Twitter Tools
We found kind if an amazing Mexican restaurant off of rt 80 in Conyngham PA. http://t.co/4agjSpVq # Powered by Twitter Tools