Category Archives: daily

ugh why does the inside of my small thermos taste like playdoh? #notdelicious

I need a blogging kick-start. anyone want to join me? a post a day until my birthday on 4/15, when I turn 36 years old? That’s #35to36!

Wrote a piece about (not) changing my name and @PracticalWed published it today!…

Fairly certain that showing courtroom dramas in a jurors waiting room subverts justice in some small way. #juryduty

Talk me into/out of buying some charm packs for my nonexistent quilting endeavors…

Nothing quite says crummy day at work like heaving sobs in your supervisor’s office.

“We charge so when paid by [wealthy] person fm overseas, allows us to serve poor.” argues for tuition AND med costs.

Things I’ve done

Worn Thirteens hat for weeks.


Made pulled pork in the crock pot.


Celebrated a wall of death riders birthday at a lovely benefit.


Went out to a fancy Cooper Union party sans my traveling sweetheart.


Got so tired and crummy feeling that I had to stay at home so I could make and eat tapioca pudding all day long. It’s restorative, y’all.


Peter Cooper

Knowing what I do about Peter Cooper – a man who loved the chili at McSorleys and who fraternized unabashedly with feminists, people of color, labor organizers and abolitionists – I think my pal Xenia is on to something here.

I have the most amazing friends!

Traffic. Ugh traffic.

I took a bad spill yesterday when I was leaving the house – no ice or anything, I just fell over, and landed right on my tailbone. It hurts SO BAD. I drove to work but should have turned around: 20 min into the trip I was crying. Walking around is ok, but sitting is not ok.

And then I got this on my trip home:


TRAFFIC. I think there was one of those oversized houses-on trailers tipped over. Regardless, the day I brutally injured my sitting parts was not the day I wanted to be stick in traffic for 2 1/2 hours.

This morning I begged off of a 100 mile drive to my job site for meetings and used the extra time in the morning to do my nails.


This is a necklace


My sweetheart made me this necklace for Christmas – mostly, I think, because the skull beads cracked him up. I showed it to a geologist at work and he thought I was rock-name-pop-quizzing him. I guess geologists get that a lot – people just hand them rocks all grubby and warm from pockets and say “I thought this was pretty, what is it?” Whereas I am all “Squee skulls!”

Also of note: upper portions of the vest I FINALLY finished after (not) knitting on it for about 2 years. I love it and wear it all the time.

Handwritten notes


I had a brilliant idea to slip personalized notes in to the invitations for the Cooper Union Founders Day Celebration. I am about 50 invites away from completion and my poor wrist is screaming. I’ve got a total of 169 to write. No big, right…?

Ohio 2013

We are on the way home from Ohio, where we spent New Years Eve ringing in 2013 with Mike’s Aunt Kate and family. This is the 3rd year we’ve gone out for their annual seafood feast and party and it’s so nice to get to know everyone. The boys are great with the long drive. We are toughening them up for epic adventures of our or their making in the future.

This year we spent a whole day with Kelly and Erik in Pittsburgh – sledding, chilling, and pizza partying with a few others. It was a perfect break in the highway monotony and when we resumed our trek west we stayed on secondary highways to western Ohio – it only added another 1 1/2 hours to our drive and it was so much better than the turnpike.

On our trip home hilarity ensued when a friend sent me a link to Get to know your Carhartt Boyfriend, and I turned to my sweet manly husband and snapped a picture before reading him the article as he drove us home.


There was snow at home while we were gone, so Mike and I are a tiny bit worried our steep-and-long driveway will be impassible… But did I ever mention that My Carhartt Boyfriend has a flame-thrower in the basement? So if you see steam and fire from our house tonight we are just trying to melt the driveway so we can park the car and get to bed. Promise.

left the cars at the bottom of the driveway last night.

left the cars at the bottom of the driveway last night.

We got our share of the winter storm yesterday. 4ish inches maybe? it took me 2 1/2 hours to drive home when it’s normally a 45 minute to an hour endeavor. I pulled into the driveway and veered off a little into the weeds, so put it in park and walked up the hill. I’m thankful I wore my winter boots to work yesterday preemptively.

Today Mike and I are working from home. The roads were still a mess when I would have normally left, and I have actually got stuff to do so didn’t want to waste another 2 1/2 hours getting in. I’ll shovel at lunch. I love shoveling (the first time of the year).


there are a number of reasons why I married Mike.

This actually does fall into one of those categories. I’m not sure which one, but it’s so hilarious and endearing.

After a family dinner, a rainy day spent in V&A museum, and a quick sunny walk, @mikegrundy and I are heading home. Lovely 48 hrs in London! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Underground minimoon


Mike and I spent all day today in the Victoria and Albert museum. It was amazing, we totally geeked out. tomorrow we spend all of our remaining pounds on chocolate bars for the boys and head home. We didn’t have beers at a pub or fish and chips but our brief stay in London was amazing. Almost like a tiny honeymoon.

We can do that, right? Keep calling all our alone-and-away trips honeymoons? Like, forever?


On our way to London to see Ranger get married! # Powered by Twitter Tools

Whoa. After waking up in TN at 4am, flying back and doing a full days work in NJ, then intensive homework time w Nine for the last 2 hours.. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Thankful for my sweet family this weekend, and thankful for dear @mikegrundy, maker of trips and holder of hands. # Powered by Twitter Tools