Category Archives: daily

Had our first motorcycle ride of the year! @mikegrundy is the funnest.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and mom-types of the @FreeCooperUnion kids, who have clearly raised their children right.

And then @mikegrundy, nine, and I sat around watching sv650 fork service videos on the Internet. #familyaffair #nerds

omg and her name is karina too. “hot chick drz400 oil change” – really?! #wtf… … #myfeminismhurts #karinasolidarity

Chain maintenance in the rain.

Polka music Saturday drives

Update from the office of the over 100 presidents of cooper union, incl guards, egress, mediation. @FreeCooperUnion

Call me, Jamshed!

OH: “Something about a country club?”

Report from inside @FreeCooperUnion sit-in yesterday during admins escalation of this peaceful action @villagevoice…

In non cooper, non poison ivy news: I’ve been wearing my hair curly lately. It’s a mop.

Cooper Union alumni they called *cops* on students. Threats of dismissal! Stand up for them! Share! @FreeCooperUnion

. @FriendsofCooper vote of no confidence available – if you were as upset by today as I was, please sign and share.…

shout-out to my awesome bro who checked if I was w @FreeCooperUnion (not: sad); volunteered to post bail if things went bad (didn’t: happy)

showing @mikegrundy all the cooper student/faculty/alumni responses past 2 years I realize what a rowdy brilliant charming crowd we are.

.@FreeCooperUnion making the school a place free of oppression, and “anti-sexist, racist, classist, ableist…” you are for sure best. ever.

any dismissals from @cooperunion must be approved by president. @FreeCooperUnion think he’ll go for THAT legacy?…

Announcement fm @cooperunion re: @FreeCooperUnion sit-in and denial of degree threats. SHAME.…

Third party armed guards involved as @cooperunion administration threatens 70+ @FreeCooperUnion students in peaceful sit-in w dismissal.

.@cooperunion admin says they will dismiss the 70 students sitting in the presidents office @FreeCooper. Shame. On. Them.