Category Archives: daily

Breaking bread and chatting with @FreeCooperUnion et al re: alumni and associations

Turned off cell data on my phone for the last 4 days and it was brilliant to untether. New billing month/back to the matrix!

Sitting in the car in the parking lot at work listening to a story about TB in Boston and thinking of @brdgtc!…

Awesome shoe twinsies with @mikegrundy today.

Congratulations to Cooper Union graduates! Welcome to the alum. assoc. You can teach us all about rallying to the school, @FreeCooperUnion

It’s conference calls like this that make me wish I had an assistant who would bring me a cup of tea. #bigtime

Guyses. Maybe I am posting all these pictures of our yard because I’m afraid it’ll never again look so good?

Got the first day after vacation blues struggling w the I got NEW SHOES excitement and then at war w the ugh, RUN trepidations. my FEELS.

8 hrs of yardwork later (involving pickaxe, lawn tractor, and weed wacker) our yard looks AMAZEBALLS. In the dark.

This pile of weeds and trees was hiding the pretty:

I really should have taken a before picture. Look! We have a peony! And iris! And our rhododendron is flowering!

Everyone read all of this! Article on Straight White Male Gamer Easy Mode comment reactions. Esp my little dudes.…”

I skipped my run and weeded100s of baby maple trees instead. Also please note: poison ivy I am NOT pulling today:

That time you slept in too long and you need to go for a run but now you’re hungry too and heck what to do first? #probsrun

We turned south yesterday into 20mph winds and sub-60 temps. Heading north today and hoping for a warmer ride home! (Check the wind chill.)

“The firm we got the last [legal] opinion from no longer exists” re: pilot payments still valid if Cooper charges tuition? #coopertranscript

When did Stanley Lapidus resign from the @cooperunion Board of Trustees? Why was he driving discussions in 9/2012? #coopertranscript #blur

I LOVE newly engaged alumnus. @CooperAlumni let’s keep them.

“[Mark Epstein] does not carry the spirit of Peter Cooper!” Strong words from a cooper union alumni at the CUAA alumni trustees forum.

Livestreaming Cooper Union alum assoc. council mtg fm vac. Friends sweetly cut riding day short so I could attend.