Category Archives: daily

just ‘splained to @mikegrundy why the drawdio ( is so AMAZING – because PICTURE PAGES!

“Come downstairs and I will entertain you with my whale analogies.” #marriage to @mikegrundy

! Working Group describes how to save a free Cooper Union AND articulates the case for a free Cooper Union! #loveyall…

Total jock injury: pulled a muscle or SOMETHING in my shoulder-back during (assisted) pull-ups this morning. Ouch. Clearly, working at home.

Oh construction job site meetings, with your seductively shaped donuts

I’m proud to sign this letter in support of Working Group as CUAA executive committee member. Please do so too –…

Wee insight just rolled over 200,000 today! Almost exactly 8 years after I drove her off the lot.

at my work holiday party with @mikegrundy. wearing a from-China jacket of grammas.

Troy turkey trot was awesome! The course was great, clear and sunny, time of 1:02 (I think a PR!). Also! 20 deg, WAY warmer than forecast.

10 min to start 10k!

supervisor: “did you say VENN or ZEN diagram?” me: “Venn. I like Zen diagrams too – but they’re so ephemeral.” #nobodylaughed #jokesatwork

if you’re carefully monitoring my throat health: today I feel a lot better. exercising still made me wheezy and coughy, but I have 10K hope.

post workout, ‘splaining to @mikegrundy about savasana pose. Him: “if I take a breath it’s bloated corpse pose!” #probablywhereitcamefrom

Sick in bed. Throat rebelling after splinter extraction and subsequent 5.5 mile run in 18 degF. Hope my thanksgiving 10K isn’t blown!

At international arrivals waiting for Rachel: the joyful reunions are almost too much beauty to bear. People! You are so wonderful!

Sleigh Bells! Concert!

Splinter stories #2. The time I had something stuck in my throat/the ENT pulled out a chopstick splinter.

fingers crossed – entered to win Aerostitch Darien Light Pants from @ridepapart……

had a sorta crummy+rainy 5 mile run today but: I totally finished, and @mikegrundy is the very best and brings me dry shirts and hot tea.

Peaches, read this now: 5 Responses to Sexism That Just Make Everything Worse |… via @eruciform