Category Archives: daily

New! Custom! Roadcrafter! arrived! And I can’t try it on BC the pads are too stiff fm being outside in cold all day.

REALLY good advice, and something I struggle with – Your Personal Pitch: 3 Tips for Answering “What do you do?”…

Is my hair more “now and forever at the winter garden theater” or “I choose you!” today?

email: “Your time was 30:48 with a pace of 9:56” thanks magical 5K timing things! and also dude I paced myself by up nasty hill mid-course.

Amazing martial arts (several of them!) workshop at Hoshin Academy yesterday and a 5K today. #jocklife #owmylegs

totally ordered this adorbs watch for work anniversary gift. Engraved with “5 years, peaches!”… #corporateamerica

“If you can’t find any women who fit into your company culture, have you considered your company culture might suck?”…

Met Jackie Robinson today at the elementary school living museum.

Seriously she wants to be as close to the harmonica as she can get. Crazy sweet Ella Olga Babygoat Torturek…

Here is something incredible. Ella the cat loves harmonica music.

I brought donuts to the construction meeting today and I wasn’t the only one #fourdozendonutday

“And accidents just popping up line crocuses on the garden state parkway” – @1010WINS traffic guy. #sittinginit

Today is such a horrible nogood verybad day: my grouch self sits on Pollyanna self giving her noogies when she points out silver linings.

My weekend: Tae Kwon do meetings trains running knitting pizza night. Note we did NOT trim Ella claws, which should have been #1 priority.

Dudes I finished my socks!

Lovely twilight walk w @rocco_cetera but we were unprepared for annual observance of amateur drinking night.

Boys+I+stuff piled out of wee civic tonight/ @mikegrundy in driveway likely thinking “this IS my beautiful wife, this IS my beautiful life.”

For those playing along at home: my $850/20 year old car gets btwn 31-35mpg (even as “damn the horses” as I do).

Worst part of engineering ethics class: the engineers arguing ethics of current biz practices w the lawyer teacher. #pigsinmud #allofuspigs