Monthly Archives: January 2014

File under: Things I knew that no one believes without SCIENCE: Women Motorcycle Riders Feel Happier – webBikeWorld…

Guess who knocked his own tooth loose and had to have his dad pull it out? #babyteeth

I love Tae Kwon do so much even my bruises are heart-shaped.

Ack. Trying to explain the finer points of relationships, stalking, and respect to Ten when he showed me the video to “Redneck Crazy.”

Oh look: somebody got a new hat for Christmas!

Snow shoveled. So glad I took care of 2″ last night, today was an easy 45 min sprint for @mikegrundy and I.

Watched motorcycle shows while knitting today. 2014, this is what I want from you, understood?

Ten and @mikegrundy working on Ten’s new inkle loom. Yay weavers. Yay craft day.

Finished 2013 w movies w the boys, kissed @mikegrundy at midnight, stayed up to finish a book. Today we are crafting and tidying. Go 2014!

Happy new year, sweethearts!