Daily Archives: 12/27/2012

left the cars at the bottom of the driveway last night.

left the cars at the bottom of the driveway last night.

We got our share of the winter storm yesterday. 4ish inches maybe? it took me 2 1/2 hours to drive home when it’s normally a 45 minute to an hour endeavor. I pulled into the driveway and veered off a little into the weeds, so put it in park and walked up the hill. I’m thankful I wore my winter boots to work yesterday preemptively.

Today Mike and I are working from home. The roads were still a mess when I would have normally left, and I have actually got stuff to do so didn’t want to waste another 2 1/2 hours getting in. I’ll shovel at lunch. I love shoveling (the first time of the year).
