No pictures of the wedding just yet, nor of anything we’ve been looking at.
rye is so neat. I could probably spend a good while there relaxing and walking around.
wedding = fabulous! It was beautiful. The bride and groom were beautiful.
I’m so envious of all the people on motorcycles. Mike and I have a secret plan to come back and spend a few days in London, a few days on motorcycles, and the Paris.
Tomorrow we are going to the Victoria and Albert museum, having cream tea, and possibly also eating at a pub in the evening.
Jet lag went ok – we powered through.
English breakfast! Poached eggs on toast with grilled tomato, mushroom, and bacon. And so much tea. Lovely.
We are visiting with peeps tonight before the bride and groom jet off on their honeymoon.
Oh! And I finished a hat. It didn’t come out at ALL how I thought it was, but it’s cute none-the-less.