Daily Archives: 4/17/2006

birthday party!

I had a really fantastic time at my party.

to start with, troy, carin, and aurora came to help me clean up on friday. here’s a photo of us all post-party. They are teh greatest!
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also teh greatest: dan aaron and meredith, who were ultra helpful too and also who sharpened my kitchen knives to hair splitting precision.

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I love this picture b/c it shows off my very pretty living room wall:

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Pictured (clockwise) are carin, troy, paul, aurora, delia, dan aaron, and meredith.

here’s some people looking respectible in the kitchen:

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(gabbi, mike t., michelle, rob, and stacey).

and here’s some people looking not so respectible in the kitchen:

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me and my doppelganger (yeah RIGHT, right?) jenn c.

there was cake, the obligatory champagne toast,

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and deviled eggs.

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it was a very super party! the whole set of photos are here.>


this weekend was so fantastic. to start with, on friday I finished my new skirt. It took about 3 or 4 hours, and it came out pretty great, if I do say so!

you can see the pleated detail here, even though I’m very “mmmm, cake” in this photo.

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here’s a good idea of the length and backside.

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and I’m not sure what I’m doing here, but you can see clearly how comfortable and easy to ear this piece of apparel is (OH! I just remembered! I was showing Jenn C. warrior pose, right before I showed her TKD back stance and we mock fought. ha!):

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what a bunch of glamour shots! they’re so funny. and that’s one more skirt I’ve made vs. buying. sweet. I have to say: I would love to be all punk rock crafter and say “oh, I don’t need a pattern” and maybe it’s true, but it is a heckuvalot easier to sew things with patterns. without a pattern it takes me easily 2x as long, because I have to constantly alter as I go along. with the pattern I just suspend my disbelief that it will fit and it all pulls together at the end.