Daily Archives: 5/17/2005


last weekend birdie drove down from NH, picked up matt and I, and we kicked it out to pittsburgh for the graduation ceremonies. I had a great time, highlights including:

* spending $1.85 on rummage sale items including: 5 charming glasses, 3 packs of cards, a bridge scoring pad, a milk glass vase, and a pad of writing paper.
* porch time at mariss and kelly’s with some of my nearest and dearests.
* sumptuous buffet reception at granulation.
* picking up in person my monstrous diploma (it’s VERY BIG. Will come in handy when it’s winter and my tar-papered shack lets the wind blow in, I can seal a large area of the interior with it).
* saw a whole-lotta people that I haven’t seen for a while and who I miss seeing all the time. What a great community they’ve got out there.
* car-pooled
* spent nice times with michelle.

And the weather back was BEAUTIFUL for a drive. And Birdie? is a rockstar trucker mama for her abilities to drive and drive and drive. The mister? the sultan of sleep for crashing out in the back seat, but I don’t have a leg to stand on b/c if I weren’t up front with Birdie I would have pooped out too!