Daily Archives: 3/7/2012

Y’all, my library accepts PAYPAL!

I went online today to renew a book that was very nearly overdue and discovered that y’all: My library accepts PAYPAL!

I am historically TERRIBLE at returning books on time to the library. Sometimes I’m just lazy, sometimes I’m selfish and hang onto books  I haven’t even started for an extra week so I have a chance to read them. I imagine that my local librarians ruefully appreciate my tiny donations to their budget while trying to manage their frustration at my book hoarding.

I’m excited that I can pay off my fines in this faceless way – I don’t have to feel so apologetic, or struggle with that weird feeling of justification that it’s ok, it’s FUNDING THE LIBRARY. But first I think I’d better check with my local librarian to see if they see this paypal money or if I’m better off handing them the cold hard cash directly.


“@ActuallyNPH: That Kirk Cameron is hilarious!” # “@feministhulk: SPEAKING *UP* FOR SOMEONE = ALWAYS BETTER THAN SPEAKING *FOR* THEM. BETTER STILL: STOP SPEAKING A MOMENT, TRY TO LISTEN.” # Redheads are some wacky folks, yo. oh wait! http://t.co/eukjRD5X (I've been … Continue reading