December 7, 2003. So, I hear I haven’t updated for a while. Right,
so, a couple of people have pointed out to me that I haven’t updated for a
while. Yeah, I know. It’s not the way Pittsburgh was supposed to work out for
me. I was supposed to have lots of time for updating, and also for
overhauling my crappy ‘making web page using Word because it’s free and easy
to figure out’ system. Word is just fine if you’ve got a lot of time on your
hands and an easy connection to the interweb. When you’re sans modem/hookup,
and not so eager to sit at the computer at home after trying to do school
work all day it’s a little bit harder. Excuses, I know. I try hard to make
have excuses but there you go. I slipped. Anyway,
in the spirit of excuses, you may be interested in some things that have
happened to me. *
I fell down and hurt myself. So I’m
always taking my time getting around, you know, walking slowly and trying to
be accommodating to other people’s schedule so I get rides. *
I have become a knitting fiend. It seems to happen every fall around this time of
year, I guess. It’s good, I finally finished my xmas presents from last year
and started up on this year’s presents – which are going very well. I wish I
could post pictures of them! But I can’t, because IT’S NOT CHRISTMAS YET. I’d
spoil the surprise. *
I’ve been doing lots of schoolwork. Probably not as much as I should be
doing, but working nonetheless. These
don’t sound like good excuses when I try to list them. Whatever. Excuses
never sound good. It might not be the easiest way to get through life but I
really do try not to make them unless they’re really a good reason. “Make
excuses” sounds like a cop-out anyway. People may look at me funny when I
don’t actually explain why x, y, or z did or didn’t happen, but that’s OK by
me. Oh,
so there’s one picture of my knitting I can show you. It was my selfish
hat. So I worked hard on it, and quickly, and used up some of my stash yarn
from a very old ebay purchase and when I finished I realized that it was way
to small for me. I thought I was making an adult medium which would be
marginally too small as it were for my massively large head, and through yarn
substitutions and needle substitutions (I never seem to have the right tools
around when I want them) it ended up being a probable child’s medium. So I
have a present completed for my cutie pants nephew, I guess:
speaking of snow, there’s a wonderful nor’easter that barely hit us. We only
got around 6 inches of snow or so, probably less. I think the east coast got
dumped! That’s so great. I love bad weather. We had a little moment when we
weren’t sure if we could get out of the driveway and then down the scary lane
with the miracle bamboo that just hasn’t died yet, even though it’s been so
cold, and even though it’s thoroughly weighted down with snow right now and
drooping far over the driveway. But we did. And then I nearly got the car
stuck outside of school when I parked in an extra slopey and slushy parking
space but I just left it there and trusted I’d get unstuck when I got back,
and I did. Maybe the ice firmed up enough to provide some traction for me.
Last night I thought I’d go over to a classmates house to watch the
neighborhood Christmas parade, but after braving the roads to get some taco
bell (no plowing, extra slipping) and realizing my new insurance card hadn’t
come in the mail yet I decided to stay at home with the box wine, taco bell,
and some Friday night TV. So
I’m trying to update a little. There’s a couple of new entries up that I
haven’t put up in a timely fashion. Heads up, anything after July that isn’t
from 10/1 is a secret update that I haven’t been very forthcoming with. So’s
you know |