I am 26 years old. I have red hair. I am tall. I don’t feel tall, because my father and brother are extra very tall, and my mother is also tall. But I still have a bizarro love/hate reaction to women taller than I am. |
I live and study in Pittsburgh. I moved from NYC this year to a neighborhood with a name that reminds me of farts. I live with Michelle, with whom I have lived for 8 years – one of the few college roommate success stories I’ve ever heard. |
I love sustainable design, but I can’t decide if it’s better kept as a fun hobby, or if I should make it a career at the risk of it becoming non-fun. So now I study the ubiquitous Environmental Engineering Masters Degree. And I enjoy it immensely. |
I used to work as an environmental engineer. Ask me about hazardous waste. I dare you. |
I grew up in Tennessee, and then upstate New York. I moved to NYC and lived there for 8 years, four of which spent in the charismatically named Spanish Harlem. I still say y’all, but my southern family still calls me a yankee sometimes. |
My family lives in upstate New York. They’re very good about giving me their old and discarded cars, so I can go visit them easily. And also, get around in Pittsburgh. Good thing, that! I have a brother and a nephew, and two stepsisters and a stepbrother |
I have been told alternately
that I flirt, and also, that it’s just plain old southern charm. |
I have a beau. His name is Matt. I moved away from him when I left NYC. He says 6 hours isn’t that far a drive when you have a book on tape. I choose to believe him. Also, he gets along really well with my brother. I am very happy about that. They might be such good friends because Matt is a year younger than my little brother. |
Misc: I have a black belt in tae kwon do. I knit. I try to spin my own yarn. I read voraciously and indiscriminately. I have a sewing machine, and I dream of making my own clothes. I drink margaritas, gin, and cheap wine, but not at the same time. |